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What does it mean when your messages are encrypted?

Encryption is the process of encoding information in such a way that only authorized parties can access it. When your messages are encrypted, it means the content of those messages has been scrambled into an unreadable format using a secret code or key. Only someone who has the right decryption key can turn that scrambled information back into readable plaintext.

Encryption helps protect the confidentiality of digital data and communications. It aims to make it difficult for unauthorized people to read your messages if they manage to intercept them. There are many different encryption algorithms and systems in use today, but they all rely on the sender transforming plain, readable text into encrypted ciphertext before transmission.

Why do we encrypt messages?

There are several important reasons why encryption is commonly used today:

  • Privacy – Encryption helps keep messages private and secure from unwanted inspection. Sensitive personal or business data transmitted online can be protected from prying eyes.
  • Security – Encrypted data is largely unusable and meaningless without the means to decrypt it. This helps prevent unauthorized access to confidential information.
  • Data integrity – Encryption makes it difficult for the contents of a message to be altered without detection. Any changes to encrypted data will result in the decryption process failing.
  • Authentication – Encryption can be used to verify the identity of the sender, helping prevent impersonation or fraud.
  • Compliance – Encryption helps companies comply with industry and government regulations around data security and privacy.

Without encryption, any data transmitted over networks or the internet could potentially be intercepted and misused by cybercriminals, state actors or other malicious parties. Encryption acts as an extra layer of security to prevent that.

How does encryption work?

Encryption relies on complex mathematical algorithms to encode information. Plaintext data is encrypted by applying a specific encryption algorithm and key. This scrambles the original message into unreadable ciphertext.

Decryption works in reverse – the encrypted data can only be turned back into plaintext when the correct decryption algorithm and key are applied.

The most widely used encryption algorithms fall into two categories:

  • Symmetric-key encryption – This uses a shared secret key for both encryption and decryption. The sender and recipient must both have access to the same key. Examples include AES and 3DES.
  • Public-key encryption – This uses a pair of keys – a public key and private key. Data encrypted with the public key can only be decrypted with the matched private key. Examples include RSA and ECC.

The security of encrypted data depends on the strength of the encryption algorithm as well as how securely the keys are managed. The more complex the algorithm and longer the key length used, the harder it is for encryption to be broken.

Common encryption protocols and systems

There are various standardized protocols and systems that enable encryption across different applications:


SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) and its successor TLS (Transport Layer Security) are security protocols that encrypt communications between web browsers and servers. HTTPS websites use TLS to protect all traffic between a user’s browser and the website. Users can tell a site uses HTTPS rather than regular HTTP if the URL begins with “https://” and there is a padlock symbol in the browser bar.


PGP (Pretty Good Privacy) is an encryption program that provides cryptographic privacy and authentication for data communication. It uses a combination of public-key and symmetric-key encryption to secure emails and files. A free open source version called GPG (GNU Privacy Guard) is also widely used.


IPsec (Internet Protocol Security) operates at the network layer to provide encryption and authentication for all IP traffic across different types of networks. It is widely used to implement Virtual Private Networks (VPNs) to connect remote offices securely over the public internet.


Signal is a popular messaging app endorsed by security experts and privacy advocates. It uses end-to-end encryption to secure all texts, calls, photos, videos and files. Signal messages can only be read on the sender’s device and the intended recipient’s – not even Signal’s servers can access the encrypted content.


The WhatsApp messenger app secures communications between users via end-to-end encryption by default. It encrypts messages with locks, and only the recipient and the sender have the special keys needed to unlock and read them.

End-to-End Encryption vs. Transport Encryption

There are two main categories when classifying encryption:

Transport Encryption

Transport encryption protects data in transit as it moves across a network. This means traffic is encrypted between two points – for example, between your device and a website server. However, the data is decrypted when it reaches the recipient server. This provides security over the wireless network connection, but not once data reaches the application on the other end.

End-to-End Encryption

End-to-end encryption provides security for data traveling between the source and destination, without allowing intermediary servers to read the data. The encryption keys are only held by the end users, such as your device and the intended recipient’s device. Some common examples of end-to-end encryption include Signal, WhatsApp, Apple’s iMessage, and Zoom video calls. This ensures only you and the intended recipient can view the content – not even the service provider can access the decrypted messages.

How to Tell if Your Data is Encrypted

Here are some ways you can generally tell if your data is encrypted:

  • Websites use HTTPS – Look for “https://” at the start of the URL and a padlock symbol in the address bar.
  • Messaging apps specify “End-to-End Encryption” – Examples like WhatsApp and Signal will indicate encryption in the app.
  • Email providers offer encryption as an option – Services like Gmail may support encrypting messages using PGP.
  • VPN apps to encrypt internet traffic – VPN services scramble data leaving your device until it reaches the VPN server endpoint.
  • Encrypted files transform into random characters – Opening an encrypted file without the decryption key will show unintelligible text.

If information is transmitted or stored without proper encryption, you can assume it is unencrypted and accessible as plain readable data to any party who intercepts it.

Limits of Encryption

While encryption provides a significant layer of data security, it does have some limitations users should be aware of:

  • Unencrypted data at endpoints – Data is readable at the endpoints before encryption and after decryption unless additional security is used.
  • Metadata still exposed – Even though content is secured, metadata like sender, receiver, timestamps, and locations may still be viewable.
  • Social engineering risks – Users can be tricked into handing over encryption keys or decrypted data.
  • Encryption alone isn’t full security – It should be one part of a comprehensive security strategy including access controls, data minimization, auditing, etc.
  • Legal demands via law enforcement & government agencies – Encryption does not prevent agencies from demanding access with a valid warrant.

Practicing care in sharing decryption keys and encrypted data is important to gain the full benefits of encryption. It is one tool that should be used as part of a layered data protection approach.

Best Practices for Encryption

To leverage encryption most effectively, users and organizations should follow security best practices:

  • Classify data sensitivity – Determine what data requires encryption based on privacy risks.
  • Select reputable encryption tools – Use well-known, tested algorithms like AES-256, RSA 2048-bit+, etc.
  • Properly manage keys – Encryption keys should be securely stored and properly protected.
  • Encrypt data in transit and at rest – Encrypt network connections and stored data.
  • Train employees on encryption use – Educate staff on when and how to follow encryption protocols.
  • Have backup access procedures – Prepare contingency plans to recover encrypted data if keys are lost.
  • Consider end-to-end encryption – Evaluate risks and determine if end-to-end encryption should be used instead of transport encryption.
  • Establish encryption policies – Document detailed policies and procedures for managing encryption across the organization.

Following these best practices reduces the risk of encryption vulnerabilities and helps maximize the privacy and security benefits encryption can provide.


Encrypting messages helps protect the confidentiality and integrity of your sensitive communications. By scrambling plaintext into ciphertext, strong encryption prevents unauthorized access to private data in transit and at rest. Standardized protocols like TLS, end-to-end encrypted apps like Signal and WhatsApp, along with data encryption methods like PGP allow users to maintain privacy for messages and files.

While encryption represents a significant security tool, it must be implemented carefully as part of a comprehensive data protection strategy. Users should utilize reputable encryption tools, manage keys properly, and follow sound management procedures to minimize risks. Understanding the protections and limitations encryption provides allows individuals and businesses to employ it most effectively as part of an overall cybersecurity plan.