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What does it mean when your security code is changed with someone on WhatsApp?

If you notice that the security code for one of your WhatsApp contacts has changed, it typically means that the contact has reinstalled WhatsApp or switched to a new device. The security code is a unique identifier that is generated when you add a new contact on WhatsApp. It helps verify that your messages are end-to-end encrypted and not being intercepted.

When a contact reinstalls WhatsApp or switches phones, their security code will change. This is normal and expected behavior. Here are some common reasons why a contact’s security code may change:

The contact reinstalled WhatsApp

If your contact recently uninstalled WhatsApp and then reinstalled it, either on the same phone or on a new one, their security code will change. This generates a new security code and invalidates the old one. Many people reinstall WhatsApp periodically to clear cached data or start fresh.

The contact got a new phone number

If your contact changed their phone number and re-registered with WhatsApp using their new number, their security code will also change. WhatsApp ties each security code to a specific phone number.

The contact upgraded to a new phone

When your contact upgrades to a new mobile device and installs WhatsApp on their new phone, their security code will change. Even if they insert the same SIM card with the same phone number, the change of device triggers a new security code.

The contact did a factory reset

If your contact performed a factory reset on their device, it wipes the device back to default settings. When they reinstall WhatsApp post-reset, a new security code is generated.

The contact reinstalled their operating system

Sometimes a contact may reinstall the operating system on their device without getting a new phone. For example, installing a new version of iOS or Android OS. This qualifies as a fresh install of WhatsApp, and a new security code is created.

How to verify a new security code

When you notice a changed security code from a contact, WhatsApp provides a few ways for you to safely verify that it’s legitimately your contact and not an imposter.

1. Confirm it in person

The best way to verify a new security code is to confirm it with your contact in person. Meet up with them, open WhatsApp, go to their chat, tap on their name, and tap “Verify security code.” Scan their code with your phone’s camera and make sure it matches the new one you see.

2. Verify over a phone or video call

If you can’t meet in person, call your contact over the phone or a FaceTime/video chat. Tell them to open WhatsApp and read you their new security code. Confirm that it matches on your end. This ensures it’s really your contact on the other end.

3. Request a confirmation photo

Ask your contact to send you a customized photo on WhatsApp to confirm their identity. For example, have them take a selfie holding up a handwritten note with your name, today’s date, and some random phrase you provide. This verifies they are who they claim to be.

4. Look for signs of hacked activity

If your contact seems unaware their security code changed when you ask them to verify, that’s a red flag their account may be hacked. Other unusual activity like frequent status changes, profile photo changes, or uncharacteristic messages also suggest hacking.

If your contact’s WhatsApp is hacked

If you believe your contact’s WhatsApp account has been compromised, advise them to:

Enable two-factor authentication

Two-factor authentication adds an extra layer of security, requiring both a password and a generated six-digit code to login. This prevents unwanted logins even if an attacker knows their password.

Change their password and security questions

Your contact should immediately change their WhatsApp password and security questions. This prevents the hacker from accessing their account in the future. Use a strong, unique password.

Log out from all devices

By logging out from all linked devices, your contact can kick the hacker out of their account and regain sole access. In WhatsApp settings, go to Linked Devices > Log Out From All Devices.

Scan device for malware

Your contact should scan their device thoroughly for malware, spyware, or keylogging programs which may have enabled the hack. Use a trusted antivirus app for this. Also avoid clicking suspicious links.

Enable login notifications

WhatsApp has an option to alert your contact via SMS or email whenever someone logs into their account. This acts as an early warning system for unauthorized access.

Change phone number

In extreme cases, your contact may need to change their phone number entirely and only give it out to trusted individuals. This severs the hacker’s access point to their account.

Report the account compromise

Your contact can email WhatsApp at [email protected] to report their account was compromised. WhatsApp may be able to further lock or restrict the account.

Safeguard your WhatsApp from hackers

To avoid having your own WhatsApp account hacked, here are some best practices:

Use a strong password

Always opt for an alphanumeric password with symbols, uppercase/lowercase letters, and numbers for maximum security. Avoid obvious passwords like “password123”. Change it every few months.

Enable two-factor authentication

Add an extra verification step via text message code when logging in on an unfamiliar device. Go to WhatsApp > Settings > Account > Two-step verification.

Avoid clicking sketchy links

Beware of unknown links even from known contacts. They may have malware that compromises your account once clicked. Delete any suspicious messages.

Keep your app updated

Always run the latest version of WhatsApp which contains the most up-to-date security patches. Update immediately when you see a new version is available.

Be selective in sharing your QR code

Your personal WhatsApp QR code allows people to instantly add you as a contact. Only share it with trusted individuals and be cautious where you post it publicly.

Review linked devices frequently

Check your list of linked devices often to look for any unfamiliar logins from unknown locations, which could indicate your account is compromised. Remove any suspicious devices.

Install antivirus software

A premium antivirus app helps detect malware, spyware, and other viruses that may jeopardize your WhatsApp security. Scan your device regularly.

What to do if you are hacked

If you discover your own WhatsApp was hacked, here are some steps to take:

Log out from all devices immediately

First things first – log out from all linked devices so the hacker loses access. In WhatsApp go to Linked Devices > Log Out From All Devices.

Change your password and security questions

Quickly change your password and security questions/answers to something entirely new. Don’t reuse old passwords. Enable two-factor authentication.

Scan device and delete suspicious apps

Carefully scan your device for malware, spyware or dubious apps that may have enabled the hack. Delete any apps or files that look suspicious.

Inform your contacts

Message your contacts explaining your account was hacked in case the attacker spread malware or sent inappropriate messages. Let them know not to open links or reply.

Contact WhatsApp

Email [email protected], report your account was hacked, and request they disable or restrict the account if the attacker still has access. Provide details.

Reset your phone

As a last resort, you may need to factory reset your phone to wipe it clean of any lingering hacker access. Reinstall WhatsApp after with new security parameters.

File a police report

For serious cases of hacking, file a report with your local police department so there is an official record in case more issues arise. Provide as many details as possible.


A changed WhatsApp security code usually just means your contact reinstalled the app or got a new device, which generates a new code. But it could also signal their account was compromised. Verify a new code directly with your contact, and advise them to boost their security if hacked. Protect your own WhatsApp by using strong passwords, enabling two-factor authentication, installing antivirus software, and being cautious of unknown links. If hacked, log out from all devices immediately, change your password, scan your device, and contact WhatsApp to regain control of your account. With proper precautions, you can rest assured your WhatsApp messages are protected.