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What does the blue star eyes emoji mean on WhatsApp?

The blue star eyes emoji on WhatsApp typically signifies that a message has been read by the recipient. When you send a message on WhatsApp, you may notice a gray checkmark next to it at first. This indicates that your message has been successfully sent.

Once the recipient opens the WhatsApp chat, the gray checkmark will turn blue, indicating they have read your message. A blue star emoji will also appear next to the blue checkmark.

So in summary:

  • Gray checkmark – message sent
  • Blue checkmark – message delivered
  • Blue star emoji – message read

The blue star eyes emoji is meant to visually communicate to the sender that the recipient has seen their message. It provides a quick visual cue that your message has been not only delivered, but actively read.

When does the blue star emoji appear?

The blue star eyes will appear as soon as the recipient opens the chat screen and views the message. It may take a few seconds to sync across devices before it shows up for the sender.

Some key points about when the blue star emoji shows up:

  • It only appears when the full chat screen is opened – not from notifications.
  • It appears even if the recipient only briefly opens the chat screen.
  • It will show even if the recipient does not actively click on the message.
  • It does not indicate if the recipient reads the entire message content.

So in summary, the blue star emoji will appear after a message is delivered and the recipient simply views the chat screen for a moment. They do not have to click the message or read it in its entirety.

Does the blue star emoji mean the message was actually read?

The blue star eyes emoji means the message was opened and displayed on the recipient’s screen, but it does not necessarily mean they thoroughly read it.

Reasons the recipient may have opened the message without reading it fully include:

  • Quickly checking notifications
  • Accidentally opening the chat screen
  • Opening the message but getting distracted
  • Skimming but not absorbing the message
  • Not understanding the language a message was sent in

So while the blue star signifies your message has been received and viewed to some degree, it does not guarantee the recipient spent time reading and understanding it fully. It’s still possible to “see” a message without really reading it.

When will the blue star eyes not appear?

There are some cases where a message is delivered and read, but the blue star eyes may not show up:

  • Read receipts are disabled – Recipients can turn off read receipts in their settings
  • Viewing messages from notifications – If the chat screen is not opened
  • Read on a different device – The blue star may not sync right away
  • Read by another person – Someone else using the recipient’s device
  • WiFi issues or improper syncing – Connectivity can prevent it from appearing

So while the blue star is a good indicator a message has been viewed, there are exceptions where it may not appear as expected.

Is the blue star emoji on WhatsApp reliable?

The blue star eyes emoji is generally a reliable indicator that a message has reached the recipient’s device and been displayed on the screen, but it has some limitations:

  • It’s not a perfect guarantee of reading – just that the message was displayed
  • It can fail to appear due to technical issues
  • It only tracks the chat screen being opened, not engagement
  • It doesn’t indicate understanding or attention

However, the blue star eyes is still one of the best ways for WhatsApp users to get quick confirmation that their message has been received and opened to some degree. While not flawless, it provides a helpful signal in most cases.

How is the blue star more useful than one checkmark?

The blue star eyes emoji is more useful and informative than just a single gray checkmark in several ways:

  • Confirms your message was delivered to the recipient’s device
  • Indicates the chat screen was opened, not just notification received
  • Shows your message was displayed and viewable on screen
  • Proves message was not just delivered, but actually accessed
  • Provides visual confirmation in addition to checkmarks

While the gray checkmark tells you the message was sent, the blue star gives that extra confirmation that the message was received, opened, and ready to actually be read by the recipient.

What are some reasons people like the blue star?

There are several reasons WhatsApp users appreciate being able to see the blue star eyes emoji:

  • Provides peace of mind knowing message was received
  • Satisfying visual feedback showing message was seen
  • Good for casual conversational messages that need quick responses
  • Helpful indicator for time-sensitive messages
  • Avoids awkwardness of messages being ignored

The blue star helps conversations feel more natural, as you can see if your messages are at least being opened, even if people don’t respond right away. This can put some users more at ease.

What are disadvantages of the blue star?

Some downsides or criticisms of the blue star emoji include:

  • Can feel invasive or like spying for some users
  • Creates pressure to respond immediately after opening
  • Recipients may not like message tracking features
  • Misleading, since being “seen” doesn’t always mean “read”
  • False positives are possible from quick open and close

Users who want more privacy and less messaging tracking may find even basic read receipts like the blue star annoying or intrusive at times.

How do people feel about using read receipts?

View Reasons Why
Like using read receipts
  • Know if urgent message was received
  • Avoid duplicate messages
  • Feel reassured message was seen
  • Help gauge response times
Dislike read receipts
  • Can feel like spying on contacts
  • Pressure to respond immediately
  • Too many notifications
  • Feel forced to open messages

Opinions tend to vary among WhatsApp users regarding whether read receipts like the blue star are useful communication tools or just annoying distractions.

Should you rely on the blue star alone?

While the blue star eyes can be a helpful indicator that a message was received and displayed, best practices are:

  • Don’t rely on it alone for important messages
  • Follow up with critical information in other ways too
  • Only use it as a supplemental signal of message status
  • Know technical issues may prevent it from appearing

Since there are cases where the blue star can be misleading or unreliable, it’s best not to depend solely on it for vital communication. Use it as helpful additional feedback, not a standalone system.

How do I turn the blue star off?

If you prefer not to have read receipts enabled in WhatsApp, you can disable them:

  1. Open WhatsApp Settings
  2. Select Account > Privacy
  3. Turn off Read Receipts

This will prevent the blue checkmarks and star emoji from appearing when you read messages sent to you. You can still see them for your outgoing messages unless the recipient has also disabled read receipts.


The blue star eyes emoji on WhatsApp signals when a message has been successfully delivered and the chat screen opened, providing a handy visual cue. While it has some limitations and doesn’t necessarily mean someone fully read the message, it’s still a useful confirmation that your message was received and displayed. Opinions vary on whether read receipts like the blue star are beneficial or intrusive. Ultimately it’s one tool among many to provide message status updates and help conversations feel more natural.