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What does WhatsApp QR code contain?

A WhatsApp QR code is a quick and easy way to add a new contact or join a WhatsApp group. The QR code contains encoded information that allows someone to scan the code using their phone’s camera and automatically add a contact or join a group chat.

Encoded Information in a WhatsApp QR Code

A WhatsApp QR code contains the following types of information encoded within it:

  • Phone number – For a contact QR code, this is the phone number of the contact being added.
  • Group chat ID – For a group chat QR code, this is the unique ID for that specific group.
  • Group chat name – The name of the group chat if it’s a group QR code.
  • Group chat icon – The group’s icon or photo if one has been set.
  • Group chat participants – The phone numbers of the current participants in the group.
  • Encryption keys – Encryption keys to allow secure joining of the group chat.

The QR code is generated by WhatsApp when you tap the “Add contact” option in the contacts menu or “Invite to group” option in a group chat. WhatsApp takes the relevant information like phone number, group ID, participant details etc and uses encryption to encode it into the QR code image.

How WhatsApp QR Codes Work

When you scan a WhatsApp QR code using your phone’s camera, here is what happens:

  1. The phone’s camera detects and scans the QR code image.
  2. WhatsApp extracts the encoded data from the QR code.
  3. For a contact code, it adds the phone number to your contacts if not already saved.
  4. For a group chat code, it joins you to the group using the chat ID and encrypted keys.
  5. The contact or group chat page opens on your phone once added successfully.

The QR code serves as a convenient physical token that contains all the required information for WhatsApp to instantly recognize and process the data when scanned. This saves time compared to manually adding a number as a contact or joining a group with an invitation link.

Types of WhatsApp QR Codes

There are two main types of WhatsApp QR codes:

Contact QR Codes

  • Used to add a new contact
  • Contains phone number of contact
  • Scanning adds number to your contacts list

Group Chat QR Codes

  • Used to join Groups
  • Contains Group ID, name, icon, participants
  • Scanning joins you to the group chat

Benefits of WhatsApp QR Codes

WhatsApp QR codes provide the following useful benefits:

  • Faster way to add contacts or join groups
  • No need to type numbers or search for links
  • Easy to generate and share codes
  • More convenient than adding manually
  • Works universally across devices
  • Codes can be printed out as well
  • Helps keep sensitive chat info private

How to Generate WhatsApp QR Code

You can easily generate WhatsApp QR codes using these methods:

Contact QR Code

  1. Open WhatsApp contact list
  2. Tap menu icon on a contact
  3. Select “Share Contact” option
  4. Choose “Generate QR code” option
  5. Point phone camera at code to scan

Group Chat QR Code

  1. Open WhatsApp group chat
  2. Tap menu icon in top right
  3. Select “Invite to group via link” option
  4. Choose “Generate group invite link” option
  5. Tap “Create QR code” button
  6. Point phone camera at code to scan

You can also ask a current group member to generate the QR code for you. The code remains valid indefinitely until changed by admin.

How to Scan WhatsApp QR Code

Scanning a WhatsApp QR code is very easy and quick to do:

  1. Open WhatsApp on your phone
  2. Tap on the 3 dots menu icon
  3. Select “Scan code” option
  4. Point phone camera at QR code to scan
  5. QR code will automatically scan
  6. Confirm adding contact or joining group

Make sure you have good lighting and camera focus when scanning any QR code for best results. You may have to move the camera around a bit until the code is detected by WhatsApp.

Common Uses of WhatsApp QR Codes

Here are some common uses of WhatsApp QR codes:

  • Business cards – Add your WhatsApp number easily
  • Restaurant menus – Scan code to join food order broadcast groups
  • Event posters – Join event WhatsApp groups by scanning code
  • Conferences – Network and connect with other attendees
  • Wedding invites – Easily add family/friend groups
  • Class/study groups – Teachers share study material easily
  • Marketing – Engage customers by sharing contact/group codes
  • Onboarding – Add new colleagues by sharing contact codes

Tips for Using WhatsApp QR Codes

Here are some useful tips for using WhatsApp QR codes effectively:

  • Generate a new code each time for maximum security
  • Print codes on business cards, flyers, packaging etc for easy access
  • Make sure code image is clear and scannable for mobile cameras
  • When sharing group codes publicly, consider setting group to admin-only messages
  • QR codes work exactly like regular invite links
  • Test scanning your own codes to ensure proper generation
  • Avoid directly sharing group/contact codes on public platforms


In summary, WhatsApp QR codes provide a fast and convenient way to add contacts or join group chats by simply scanning the code. They contain encrypted information like phone numbers, chat IDs and group details. Generating and sharing codes is easy on both Android and iOS devices. Scanning the codes with your phone camera automatically adds the contact or joins you to the group chat. WhatsApp QR codes offer an efficient way to connect with new contacts and access WhatsApp groups on the go.