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What does you’re no longer an admin mean on WhatsApp?

WhatsApp has become one of the most popular messaging apps in the world, with over 2 billion users globally. On WhatsApp, you can create groups where you can add other users and communicate with them. Groups can have up to 256 participants at a time.

The creator of the WhatsApp group becomes the admin by default. The admin has the power to add or remove participants and change various settings for the group. Other members of the group are regular participants without special privileges.

Sometimes, people who were once admins of WhatsApp groups suddenly find the label “Admin” missing from their names. This means they are no longer the admin of that group. Losing admin privileges can happen intentionally if the current admin removes you from the role. But sometimes it occurs by mistake if the admin account gets deactivated.

When you are no longer an admin on WhatsApp, it signifies a loss of the special rights you previously enjoyed in managing that group. You will no longer be able to add/remove members, change the subject, icon or description of the group. This can be frustrating if you were actively managing the group and utilizing admin powers.

In this article, we will explore in detail the reasons why you may no longer be an admin on WhatsApp. We will also provide tips on what you can do if you lose admin status in a WhatsApp group unexpectedly.

Why You May No Longer Be a WhatsApp Group Admin

There are a few common reasons why your admin status may have disappeared from a WhatsApp group:

The Current Admin Removed You from the Position

The most straightforward reason for losing admin status is if the current admin deletes you as an admin.

Any group admin can remove another group admin at any time. When they do this, you will immediately lose all admin rights.

This might happen if there is a disagreement between admins about how to manage the group. Or the current admin may want to consolidate power and remove other co-admins.

There is no notification when you are demoted from admin. The label just vanishes one day, and you will find yourself unable to access admin tools.

The Admin Account that Added You Got Deactivated

WhatsApp groups have a hierarchy. The person who creates the group is the original primary admin. Any other admins are appointed by the primary admin.

So if the original admin account gets deactivated or deleted for any reason, the other admins they appointed will automatically lose their privileges.

For example, if the primary admin got banned from WhatsApp for violating terms of service, all secondary admins they added will no longer be admins. This helps prevent abuse of admin powers if the original overseer is gone.

Again, there will be no notification about this to the other admins. The admin label will just disappear.

You Were Added by Someone Who Wasn’t the Original Admin

Sometimes, a participant who is not the original admin may end up adding others as admins without having the authority to do so.

This can happen if the group creator accidentally grants temporary admin access to the wrong person. That person then starts adding others as admins even though they shouldn’t have that power.

In such cases, as soon as the actual primary admin revokes the erroneous admin access, all the people who were added by the unauthorized admin will automatically lose their privileges.

You Deleted and Reinstalled WhatsApp

If you delete and reinstall WhatsApp, you will lose your admin status in all groups.

WhatsApp recognizes your account based on the registered mobile number. When you reinstall the app and register with the same number, WhatsApp treats it as a new account.

So all群组邀请the group affiliations and roles configured in your previous install get erased. You have to be re-added as an admin to regain the status.

Your Phone Number Changed

Similar to reinstalling the app, if you change your phone number, your old WhatsApp account is abandoned, and a new one is created.

As a result, if you had admin status in some WhatsApp groups under your old number, that privilege will not carry over to your new account.

To become admin again, the current admins will have to add your new number in the groups and grant you the role.

Your Account Got Banned by WhatsApp

If WhatsApp bans your account due to violations of their terms, you will lose access to all your groups, and all admin roles will be stripped away.

Other group members will simply see your phone number with the label “Deleted Account.” If the ban is eventually reversed, your admin powers will not be automatically reinstated unless the current admin adds you back as an admin.

You Stayed Inactive in the Group for Too Long

Some group admins are very strict about participation and remove inactive members and admins from the group.

If you have not opened a particular WhatsApp group for a long time, such as a few months, the admin may assume you are no longer interested and remove your access.

When this happens, you will open WhatsApp one day and see that you are no longer part of that group. You can request to be added back, but your previous admin status will be gone.

What Can You Do If You Lose Admin Status?

Losing your admin privileges in a WhatsApp group can be annoying, especially if you were managing most of the group activities. Here are some things you can do:

Contact the Current Admin

The first step is to directly message the current group admin and ask them why your admin status was removed. There may have been a simple misunderstanding or mistake that can be clarified by communicating.

If your admin access was removed unintentionally, the current admin can immediately add you back and restore your privileges. This is the quickest way to get your role back.

Ask Politely to Be Made Admin Again

Even if your admin status was removed intentionally, try politely asking the current admin to reconsider. Explain why you need admin access and how you plan to use the privileges responsibly if given another chance.

If you previously misused admin powers or violated group rules, acknowledge your mistake and offer assurances it will not happen again. The current admin may agree to restore your role.

Leave the Group

If the current admin refuses to reinstate your admin status even after repeated polite requests, then consider leaving the group altogether.

There is no point in remaining part of a WhatsApp group where someone else dictates everything and you have no say in the decisions. Leaving frees you up to join or create other groups where you will have admin powers.

Create Your Own New Group

You can create a new WhatsApp group from scratch and add members you want. As the group creator, you will automatically become the primary admin able to appoint other admins.

This gives you full control over the new group. You can add the same members from the old group if you like. This essentially replicates the previous group but with you as the main admin.

Complain to WhatsApp

If you believe your admin status was unfairly or unethically removed, you can lodge a complaint with WhatsApp directly.

Contact WhatsApp using the in-app support options or visit and explain your situation. Provide details like the group name, ID and phone numbers of relevant members.

While WhatsApp will not directly intervene in group disputes, persistent complaints about a specific admin’s behavior may cause them to ban the offending account and groups they created.

Be Patient

Sometimes waiting patiently can help you regain admin status if the current admin simply made a mistake or misunderstood the situation.

Give the other admin some time to cool down and reconsider their decision if they took any drastic actions while angry. Continuing normal conversations in the group politely may persuade them to eventually restore your role.

Ask Another Admin to Help

If there are other admins in the group, reach out to them privately and ask for their assistance in convincing the main admin to give you back admin access.

These secondary admins may be able to talk to the primary admin on your behalf as an objective third party, explaining why removing you was unjustified. This peer pressure can work to get your status restored.

Find a WhatsApp Mod

Some large WhatsApp groups appoint mods who help the admins organize the group. While mods do not have full admin powers, they can influence the main admin’s decisions.

Reach out to any active mods in the group to see if they are willing to speak to the admin about adding you back as an admin. Since mods want what is best for the group, their advocacy can be influential.

Don’t Add the Admin Anywhere Else

If the current admin has acted maliciously, consider blocking them and not adding them to any other groups where you have admin powers.

Removing you for no valid reason is a sign they could misuse admin privileges in other groups too. Protect your other groups by keeping them out.

Expose the Admin Publicly

This is a risky last resort, but you can post in the group or on social media publicly complaining about how you were unfairly removed by the current admin.

Other group members may support you and put social pressure on the admin to reinstate your role to avoid looking like a petty dictator. However, this may backfire and turn members further against you, so consider carefully before attempting to publicly shame the admin.

Prevent Losing Admin Status

While you cannot prevent being removed as admin when the group creator decides to do so, there are some precautions you can take:

Be Responsible

Use your admin powers judiciously and only make changes that benefit the group, not yourself. Avoid controversy and stay neutral rather than take sides in group conflicts. This builds goodwill that makes the group creator less likely to want to remove you.

Stay Active

Participate frequently in group conversations and activities. Inactive admins are more likely to lose their status compared to engaged ones. The primary admin may even make you a mod first before removing admin access to warn you.

Cultivate Loyalty

Develop personal friendships and trust with the primary admin and other group participants. Loyal friends are less likely to take away admin privileges even if you occasionally have disagreements on how to run the group.

Have Backups

If there are multiple admins, ensure you also have the power to add or remove other admins. This prevents the primary admin from unilaterally removing your status without consent of the overall admin team.

Be the Creator

Ultimately, the safest way to guarantee you keep admin status is by creating your own groups instead of relying on roles granted in someone else’s group. As founder you cannot ever be removed against your will or without your agreement.


Losing your admin status in WhatsApp groups can occur due to actions of the current admin, changes in your account, or prolonged inactivity. When it happens, you lose the ability to manage that group.

There are various options available if you wish to regain admin access, including politely contacting the current admin, asking other admins to help, or even creating a new group where you are the owner.

Staying responsibly active as an admin and cultivating loyalty among members is also important to avoid losing your privileges. While frustrating when it happens, losing admin status in WhatsApp groups is often fixable if you reach out to the right people.