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What happens if you answer a spam call on WhatsApp?

Spam calls and messages are an unfortunate reality on WhatsApp and other messaging platforms. If you answer a spam call on WhatsApp, a few things could happen:

  • The caller could try to scam you or steal your personal information.
  • They may sign your number up for more spam calls and messages.
  • Your number could be added to lists that are sold to other spammers.
  • At best, it’s just an annoying interruption to your day.

While it may be tempting to answer out of curiosity or to tell the caller off, it’s best to just block unknown numbers and be wary of calls from numbers you don’t recognize. Answering spam calls lets spammers know your number is active, which could make the problem worse.

How spammers get your number

Spammers and scammers get WhatsApp numbers in a few different ways:

  • Random number generation – They use programs to generate random phone numbers and try contacting them.
  • Number databases – There are databases of cell phone numbers that can be purchased. These may not be up to date, so spammers try contacting all of them.
  • Social engineering – Spammers pretend to be someone else and trick you into giving out your number.
  • Malware or spyware – Some viruses or other malware can search your device for contacts and send numbers back to the spammer.
  • Stolen numbers – Contact lists from data breaches may end up for sale.
  • Group messages – Your number might get added to a group with other potential targets.

Once spammers have your number, they can sell or share it amongst their networks. This means even if you don’t answer, your number may end up on more lists for spam campaigns.

Types of WhatsApp spam calls

Some common types of spam calls on WhatsApp include:

Scam calls

Scammers may call pretending there is some urgency or crisis to trick you into sending money or revealing personal information. For example:

  • “Tech support” scams claiming there is a problem with your device.
  • Impersonating a family member or friend in need of help.
  • Claiming you owe money to the government or some other entity.
  • Notifications about a “prize” you have won.

If you engage with these types of scams, they could gain access to your accounts, steal your identity, or get you to pay non-existent fees.

Sales calls

Spammers may call trying to sell products, services, or subscriptions you don’t want. Sometimes these are for legitimate but unethical businesses. Other times they are complete scams.


Robocalls are automated, prerecorded calls. If you answer, you’ll hear a robotic voice or pre-recorded message instead of a real person. These usually are attempting to sell or scam you.

Wrong numbers

Some spam calls are simply wrong numbers from real people trying to contact someone else. Still, it’s best not to engage so your number doesn’t get associated with active accounts.

Should you answer WhatsApp spam calls?

In most cases, it’s best not to answer spam WhatsApp calls. Here’s why:

  • It confirms your number is active. Spammers may call thousands of numbers to find active ones.
  • Answering signals them to call you more. They know your number works.
  • They may add you to “sucker lists” of people more likely to fall for scams.
  • You could become a target for social engineering scams or identity theft.
  • The call wastes your time even if it’s not malicious.

By avoiding or blocking the call, you send a signal that your number doesn’t belong to a potential victim. However, even if you don’t answer, savvy spammers may still flag your number for more calls. But you avoid risks from engaging with scammers.

What to do if you answer a WhatsApp spam call

If you do happen to answer a spam call on WhatsApp, here are some tips:

  • Do not provide any personal information like your name, birthdate, address, etc. Scammers may pretend to need this for “verification”.
  • Hang up right away. You don’t need to be polite to unwanted callers.
  • Avoid answering questions or participating in surveys, even if they seem legitimate at first.
  • Never make a payment to someone who called you out of the blue.
  • Be skeptical of any “great offers” or prizes mentioned.
  • Don’t press buttons to supposedly “opt out” as these could lead to more calls.

The less information you provide, the better. Don’t worry about hearing them out or telling them to stop calling. Just hang up.

How to stop WhatsApp spam calls

Here are some ways to help avoid or stop spam calls on WhatsApp:

Don’t share your number publicly

Keep your number relatively private to avoid spammers finding it. Avoid posting it online or sharing it with untrusted sites.

Block numbers

When you get an unwanted call, block the number in WhatsApp. This may help reduce future calls.

Change settings

WhatsApp has settings that can help block spam:

  • Enable “Private” mode in your profile settings.
  • Disable “Allow calls from unknown contacts” in your call settings.

You can also mute groups with strangers and be cautious accepting group invites.

Report spam

In WhatsApp, report unwanted numbers so they can face bans. You can also report spam phone numbers to authorities in your country to aid investigation.

Use call screening and blocking tools

On both iOS and Android devices, there are built-in and third party call screening and blocking tools you can enable. These detect and stop spam calls.

Avoid posting your number publicly

Be careful posting your number on social media, online forums, websites, and anywhere else public. This makes it easy for spammers to harvest.

Don’t accept calls from unknown numbers

Set your phone to automatically reject calls from numbers not in your contacts. Legitimate callers can leave a voicemail.

The risks of answering WhatsApp spam calls

Answering spam calls on WhatsApp does pose some risks:

  • The caller may gain personal information they can use for identity theft.
  • You could inadvertently install malware or other viruses on your device.
  • It confirms your number is active, leading to more spam calls in the future.
  • Scammers may gain access to your other accounts if you provide login information.
  • You may make payments to scammers for fake services, prizes, or fees.
  • Your number may get added to high-risk “sucker lists” for future scams.
  • Spam callers learn your habits, like when you answer the phone.

In some cases, devastating financial loss is possible if the scammers gain access to your bank accounts, credit cards or other sensitive info. Or you could pay them large amounts of money for bogus causes.

How to identify and avoid WhatsApp spam calls

Here are some warning signs a WhatsApp call may be spam:

  • It’s from an unknown number not in your contacts
  • The country code looks suspicious or doesn’t match your location
  • They call repeatedly despite being blocked
  • It’s an international number when you don’t travel internationally
  • The greeting is generic like “Hey there” or doesn’t use your name
  • They immediately launch into a sales pitch or ominous warning
  • Call screening tools flag it as spam risk

Use caution and your best judgment when deciding whether to answer. If possible, look up the number online first. Search forums to see if others report it as spam.

You can also enable settings like “Only allow calls from contacts” to automatically block unknown callers. Legitimate callers can still leave a voicemail which you can listen to and then decide whether to add their number to your contacts.

Can you get in trouble for answering spam calls?

You typically won’t face any legal trouble simply for answering a spam call on WhatsApp. However, if the call involves illegal scams, fraud, or enabling criminal activity, you could potentially face charges, such as:

  • Money laundering
  • Wire or mail fraud
  • Acting as an unregistered money transmitter
  • Participating in scams or pyramid schemes

Many spam calls try to trick you into money laundering or wire fraud through fake emergencies, prizes, jobs, and other pretexts. Knowingly participating could be a crime.

Unknowingly or accidentally falling victim to fraudulent spam calls would likely not result in charges. But you could still be on the hook financially for any money lost.

Some key tips:

  • Don’t send money to random callers asking for it.
  • Refuse requests to receive and forward funds from unknown people.
  • Watch for schemes tied to illegal lotteries, pyramid schemes, etc.
  • Research investment opportunities thoroughly before sending funds.

Exercising caution helps avoid accidentally enabling criminal spam callers and protects you from liability.

Can spam calls on WhatsApp harm your device?

Spam calls themselves pose minimal risk to your device. However, spam callers may try various tactics that could potentially infect or compromise your phone or computer:

  • Send malware links pretending to be from a legitimate company
  • Get you to download fake virus scanners containing malware
  • Extract financial account information to steal funds
  • Install spyware through a technical support scam
  • Gain remote access to your computer during a scam attempt

These risks emerge if you actually engage with the scammers and follow their instructions. Simply receiving a spam call does no direct harm.

Key precautions include:

  • Don’t click links in unexpected messages from unknown numbers.
  • Don’t install anything the caller tells you to.
  • Hang up instead of following commands.
  • Keep device and software up to date.

As spam calls have grown more sophisticated, so have the potential threats. But with caution, spam calls pose minimal device risk.

Reporting WhatsApp spam calls

If you receive unwanted spam calls on WhatsApp, you can and should report them:

Report within WhatsApp

Open the chat with the spam number and tap Report Contact > Report Spam. This tells WhatsApp about the issue. If the number violates policies, WhatsApp may ban them.

Report to local authorities

Contact your local police department or telecommunications regulator to report the spam phone number. Provide details like the number, any messages, and the date and time. This aids investigation and enforcement.

Report to the FTC

In the U.S., you can report spam phone numbers to the Federal Trade Commission online or by calling 1-888-382-1222. The FTC tracks complaints and trends to help combat spam and scams.

Report to Do Not Call registries

If your number is on the National Do Not Call Registry, report violators so they can face fines. You can file complaints at or 1-888-382-1222.

Report to call blocking tools

Tools like Nomorobo allow you to report spam numbers so other users can block them. This helps identify the worst spam offenders.

Spreading awareness by reporting spam helps mitigate the nuisance and damages for yourself and others. But it only works if people take time to notify the proper authorities whenever possible.

Can you sue for receiving WhatsApp spam calls?

You typically cannot sue simply for receiving spam calls, texts, or messages on WhatsApp. However, if the spam results in specific monetary damages or losses, legal action may be possible. Some potential grounds for lawsuits include:

  • Violations of the Telephone Consumer Protection Act (TCPA) in the U.S.
  • Fraud, theft, or financial harm from scams
  • Misuse of private data
  • Receiving calls after being on the Do Not Call Registry

Under the TCPA, recipients of unwanted robocalls or automated messages can sue for up to $1,500 per violation. Proving damages are key.

If scammers steal your money or data, the economic losses may make a lawsuit worthwhile to recover funds. WhatsApp spam enabling large-scale fraud or theft could potentially prompt class action lawsuits.

For simpler nuisance spam calls, legal costs usually outweigh any potential benefits of lawsuits for individual victims. Formal complaints to regulators and law enforcement tend to be more effective for addressing pervasive spam.

Can you get compensation for receiving spam calls?

There is typically no direct compensation simply for receiving spam phone calls, even if they are annoying. However, financial compensation is possible if:

  • You suffer monetary damages from fraud.
  • Your private data gets compromised.
  • You receive robocalls in violation of TCPA regulations.
  • You lose productivity from excessive spam calls.
  • You incurred costs related to blocking spam calls.

If you can demonstrate financial injury or losses resulting from the calls, you may be able to recover compensation by:

  • Suing spammers to recover lost money.
  • Filing TCPA lawsuits for robocalls.
  • Requesting restitution if spammers get prosecuted.
  • Pursuing settlement demands. Some phone companies offer compensation for frustration from excessive spam calls.

Save evidence like call logs, voicemails, and financial records. Consult a lawyer to weigh options. But you need proof of damages, not just annoyance.

How to stop getting spam calls on WhatsApp

Here are some key tips to help avoid or stop spam calls on WhatsApp:

  • Don’t answer calls from unknown numbers.
  • Block any numbers that spam you.
  • Report spam numbers and calls within WhatsApp.
  • Disable “Allow Calls from Unknown Contacts” in settings.
  • Be wary of calls from international numbers.
  • Don’t accept invites to sketchy WhatsApp groups.
  • Avoid posting your number publicly online.
  • Use smart call screening and blocking tools.

Enabling added privacy controls, monitoring settings, and scrutinizing unknown callers goes a long way. You may still get the occasional spam call, but proper precautions can reduce their frequency.

And if all else fails – just don’t answer the phone if you don’t recognize the caller. Legitimate callers will leave a voicemail which you can return at your convenience.


WhatsApp spam calls can be annoying and potentially dangerous if you answer and engage with scammers. But simply receiving their calls does no real harm as long as you hang up. By avoiding and reporting spam callers, using smart call tools, and tightening up privacy settings, you can mitigate this nuisance and help protect yourself and others. Stay vigilant, but don’t let the threat of spam calls keep you from enjoying the convenience of WhatsApp messaging and voice chat with your real contacts.