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What happens to muted updates on WhatsApp?

WhatsApp has become one of the most popular messaging platforms in the world, with over 2 billion active users. One of the key features that makes WhatsApp so useful is the ability to easily mute chats and group conversations.

Muting a chat or group on WhatsApp allows you to hide notifications from that conversation temporarily. It’s a great way to avoid distractions from busy groups or people you don’t need to hear from all the time. However, muting can also lead to confusion around what happens to the messages you’ve muted – do they disappear entirely, or are they just hidden?

What gets muted on WhatsApp?

On WhatsApp, you can mute both individual chats and group conversations. Muting applies to all notifications from that chat – so you won’t hear message sounds, see preview pop-ups, or get badges/alerts for new messages.

Muting mute applies across platforms, so muted chats will stay muted no matter if you switch between your phone to WhatsApp Web or desktop. You can mute on either platform and it will carry over everywhere.

Do muted messages disappear?

No, muting a chat does not delete or erase messages. All incoming messages still arrive and are stored in your chat history as normal. The only difference is you do not get notified about these new messages.

So if you mute a busy group chat that gets 100 new messages, you’ll still have all 100 new messages waiting for you when you unmute. Muting simply turns off notifications – it does not affect the messages themselves.

Where do muted messages go?

Muted messages don’t go anywhere – they stay right there in your chat window as per normal. You just won’t see them or get notified about them until you unmute.

You can still scroll up and view all muted messages in the chat history. The messages do not get deleted, hidden, or stored elsewhere. The chat looks and behaves normally, except without sound/pop-up notifications.

Can muted messages still be seen?

Yes, you can still view and read muted messages in the chat window. The messages aren’t deleted or made invisible – you just won’t get actively notified about them.

If you open the muted chat, you’ll be able to scroll back and view messages you missed. You can even send and receive new messages as usual. The muting only affects notifications, not viewing ability.

What happens when you unmute?

When you unmute a chat, things go back to normal – you’ll once again get notifications for new incoming messages. Unmuting does not affect existing messages.

Any messages you received while muted will still be visible in the chat history. Unmuting simply turns notifications back on going forward. Think of it like flipping a switch on and off.

Will muted messages flood in?

You won’t suddenly get bombarded with notifications for every message received while muted. WhatsApp doesn’t work like that.

The notifications and alerts are based on the current point in time. So unmuting just means you’ll start getting notified about new messages again, but it doesn’t retry or resend notifications you missed.

Does the sender know if you muted?

No, muting is invisible to the sender. When you mute a chat, the other person will not get any kind of alert or indication.

From their perspective, everything will seem normal. They can keep chatting as usual without realizing you’ve muted the conversation on your end.

Can you mute groups without leaving?

Yes, muting is a great alternative to leaving busy groups entirely. Rather than exiting, you can just mute the group chat to hide all notifications.

You’ll remain a member of the group and can rejoin the conversation at any time by unmuting. Muting avoids frustrating alerts while still letting you dip back into the group when needed.

Can group admins tell you’re muted?

No, group admins have no special insight into who has muted the group chat. There is no list of muted members or indicator of who has notifications silenced.

Muting is private to your specific device and invisible to everyone else in the group, including admins. You won’t get called out for muting by anyone.

Is muting temporary?

Muting can be either temporary or permanent, depending on your needs. You can mute for a custom time period like 8 hours or 2 weeks, after which muting expires automatically.

Or you can mute indefinitely – there is no maximum limit. You’ll stay muted until you choose to unmute manually. It’s completely flexible based on your preferences.

Custom mute durations

When muting a chat, tap the duration option on top to mute for 1 hour, 8 hours, 1 week, or for “Always” (indefinite). You can re-adjust this duration at any time too.

Does muting use a lot of storage?

No, muting has no direct impact on your storage usage. Muted messages take up the same space as regular unmuted messages.

The only potential difference is if muting leads you to check the app less frequently. But muting itself does not affect storage or data usage compared to an unmuted chat.

Can you mute archived chats?

You cannot mute archived chats, since archived chats are already muted by default. Archiving a chat mutes notifications and removes the chat from your main view.

If you need to mute an active chat temporarily, muting is the way to go. But if you want a chat permanently muted and hidden, archiving accomplishes the same goal.


Muting on WhatsApp simply silences notifications – new messages will continue to arrive as normal. If you unmute a conversation, you’ll see all the missed messages waiting for you.

The key takeaways are:

  • Muting does not delete, hide, or store messages elsewhere
  • You can view muted messages in the chat history when opened
  • Unmuting will not flood you with past notifications
  • Senders are unaware when you mute a chat
  • You can mute groups without having to leave

So feel free to aggressively mute any annoying chats! Just remember muting is temporary and reversible, so you won’t miss anything important.