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What happens when you delete a WhatsApp status update?

WhatsApp status updates allow users to share photos, videos, and messages that disappear after 24 hours. If you post something as a status update and later decide you want to remove it, deleting it is easy to do. But what actually happens behind the scenes when you delete a WhatsApp status update? Here’s a look at the effects of deleting a status update on WhatsApp.

Does deleting a status update remove it for everyone?

Yes, deleting a WhatsApp status update removes it completely and globally. Once you delete a status update, it is no longer visible to any of your WhatsApp contacts.

When you post a status, it goes out to your entire WhatsApp network. All of your contacts in your phone’s address book will be able to view it. If you have contacts you aren’t friends with on WhatsApp, they may still be able to see your status updates if they have your phone number saved in their address book.

So when you choose to delete a status update, it disappears from visibility for all of these contacts. They will no longer be able to open WhatsApp and view the deleted status update. It is fully removed from the app for everyone in your connections list, not just for you.

Is there any record of the deleted status?

No, there is no record or trace of a deleted WhatsApp status visible to users. Once it is deleted, it is gone.

Your contacts will have no indication that you ever posted and then removed a status update. All evidence of its existence is erased when you delete it.

Unlike with deleting normal WhatsApp messages, your contacts cannot see that a status update has been deleted or removed. With regular chat messages, a note will say a message was deleted. But status updates completely vanish.

However, while users cannot see any sign of a deleted status, WhatsApp may still have internal records of it. The company may keep logs of status updates posted and deleted for internal purposes. But there is no way for standard users to ever access deleted statuses.

Can you recover a deleted status update?

Unfortunately, no. There is no built-in way to retrieve or recover a deleted WhatsApp status update.

Since deleted statuses disappear from all devices and WhatsApp’s servers, there is nowhere to recover them from. The content is completely gone.

Your only chance of having a deleted status is if you saved it on your camera roll before removing it. For example, if you took a photo to use as a status update, the original photo will still be in your phone’s gallery even after you delete it from your WhatsApp status.

However, any videos or photos taken directly within WhatsApp for your status will be impossible to get back after deletion.

Does deleting a status update notify contacts?

No, your contacts are not notified when you delete a status update.

Since all evidence of the status vanishes when you delete it, your connections have no way of knowing it ever existed, let alone was deleted. Its disappearance occurs silently without any notification to your contacts.

The experience from the viewer’s end will be as if you never posted a status update at all. There are no alerts, messages, or indications given to signal a status was removed after posting.

Can you see who viewed your status before deleting it?

Unfortunately, there is no built-in way to see who has viewed your status updates on WhatsApp. This also means that once you delete a status, you have no way of retroactively checking the list of viewers.

However, some third-party “viewer” apps claim to show you who has seen your WhatsApp status updates. The legitimacy of these apps is questionable, but they do exist. So if you used an app like this before deleting a status, you may have a record of who viewed it.

Without these apps, though, that information is lost when your status disappears. WhatsApp does not natively provide data on who views statuses or any way to retrieve it.

What if you delete your account after posting status updates?

If you delete your entire WhatsApp account, this will also delete all your existing status updates along with the rest of your WhatsApp data.

When your account is gone, all of your status updates will be removed for your contacts as well. They will no longer be able to view them, just like when an individual status is deleted.

One important difference is that when your whole account is deleted, your contacts will know you deleted your account. A note will appear in chat threads indicating the account was deleted.

With individual status deletions, there is no sign anything ever disappeared. But account deletion makes it more obvious since your account and all associated data vanishes.

Can you limit who sees your status updates?

WhatsApp does allow you to limit your status audience rather than make statuses viewable to all your contacts.

To change status privacy settings on WhatsApp:

1. Open WhatsApp and tap the More Options menu (three dots)
2. Select Settings > Account > Privacy
3. Tap Status > My Contacts Except

From here, you can select specific contacts to exclude from seeing your status updates. This lets you restrict your status audience only to people you want to share with.

You can also change the setting to completely block all contacts from seeing your status updates for maximum privacy. With custom settings, you get more control over who can view statuses before deleting them.


Deleting a status update on WhatsApp completely removes it and leaves no trace behind. It disappears from your profile and profiles of all your contacts instantly. There is no record or notification that a status was ever posted or deleted. The only way to recover a deleted status is if you saved the photo or video externally before removing the status. While useful for privacy, deleting WhatsApp statuses means they are truly gone for good.

Frequently Asked Questions

Does WhatsApp notify someone if you delete a status update they were tagged in?

No, WhatsApp does not notify a contact if you delete a status update that you originally tagged them in. Since statuses completely disappear when deleted, the tagged person will not receive any alert or indication that they were ever mentioned in a now-deleted status.

Can you delete a status update on WhatsApp Business?

Yes, deleting status updates works the same way on WhatsApp Business accounts. Business profile admins can delete any status updates they post at any time, which removes it completely like on regular WhatsApp.

Is there a time limit to delete a status on WhatsApp after posting?

There is no time limit for deleting a WhatsApp status update. You can remove a status at any point, whether it has been posted for seconds, hours, or the full 24 hour period before expiring. Statuses can be deleted instantly at any time after they are posted.

Can you see who viewed your WhatsApp status updates using third party apps?

While some third party apps claim to show who has viewed your WhatsApp status updates, this likely violates WhatsApp’s terms of service and the accuracy is questionable. WhatsApp does not provide a way for this data to be accessed reliably.

If you delete a status update, will it disappear from groups too?

Yes, deleting a WhatsApp status update removes it entirely, including from any groups you have shared it to. Once deleted from your profile, the status update will be gone from both individual contacts’ views and any groups it was posted in as well.

Summary of Key Points

  • Deleting a WhatsApp status removes it globally for all your contacts
  • Viewers have no indication if a status they saw was later deleted
  • Deleted status updates cannot be recovered or viewed again
  • Your contacts are not notified if you delete a status
  • You can limit your status audience rather than allow all contacts to view
  • Deleted statuses completely disappear from groups as well as chats

Table Summarizing WhatsApp Status Deletion

Question Answer
Is the status deleted for everyone? Yes
Can you see who viewed the status before deletion? No
Can deleted statuses be recovered? No
Are your contacts notified of deletion? No
Can you limit who sees your status initially? Yes

How to Delete WhatsApp Statuses

If you need to delete a status update on WhatsApp, here are the steps to remove it:

  1. Open WhatsApp and tap your profile picture or “Status” tab
  2. Tap the three dots menu next to your status update
  3. Select the delete icon to delete your status
  4. Confirm deleting the status when prompted

That’s all there is to it! The status will instantly disappear from your profile and your contacts’ views of your profile when you delete it on your end.


WhatsApp status updates allow you to share temporary photos, videos, and messages. If you change your mind and want to remove a status for any reason, deleting it makes it disappear completely as if it was never posted in the first place. All evidence it existed is erased when you delete a WhatsApp status, so be certain before removing something you shared publicly!