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What is the best line for WhatsApp about in English?

WhatsApp has become one of the most popular messaging apps, with over 2 billion users worldwide. Having a good WhatsApp status or about section can be a great way to express your personality or mood. However, coming up with creative, witty, or meaningful lines can be challenging. Here are some tips and examples to help you craft the perfect about line for your WhatsApp profile.

Keep it Short and Simple

You only have limited space for your WhatsApp about, so it’s best to keep it concise. Verbose or long statuses tend to not get read fully. Pick out the key message or phrase you want to convey and aim for under 30 characters. Some good short status examples are:

  • “Live, laugh, love”
  • “Be happy”
  • “Spread joy”
  • “Stay awesome”
  • “Wander often, wonder always”

Picking out just a few meaningful words helps your status stand out and get noticed. You can express a lot with just 2-3 well chosen words or a short phrase.

Use Quotes and Song Lyrics

Quotes and song lyrics make excellent WhatsApp status lines, as they often pack big meaning into just a few words. Some quotes that work great for about sections are:

  • “Live the life you have imagined” – Henry David Thoreau
  • “You only live once, but if you do it right, once is enough” – Mae West
  • “Be yourself; everyone else is already taken” – Oscar Wilde
  • “Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity” – Albert Einstein
  • “Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don’t matter and those who matter don’t mind” – Dr. Seuss

Song lyric statuses are also very popular. Some examples are:

  • “I’m walking on sunshine” – Katrina and the Waves
  • “Don’t stop believing” – Journey
  • “You get what you give” – New Radicals
  • “I will survive” – Gloria Gaynor
  • “Thank you for being a friend” – Andrew Gold

Pick lyrics that are meaningful to you or describe your current mood or attitude. Just a few words can say a lot!

Express Yourself

The WhatsApp status is a great place to show off your personality and share a little bit about yourself. Don’t be afraid to get creative or humorous with your status line. Some ideas:

  • “World’s okayest friend”
  • “Will work for travel”
  • “Currently accepting applications for a naptime buddy”
  • “Ask me about my pet turtle”
  • “Sarcasm is my love language”

Showing your quirky side or sense of humor can be endearing and make people want to chat with you more. Just don’t go overboard with inside jokes that no one else would understand.

Share Interesting Facts

If you want an informative status, share a fascinating fact or piece of trivia. Some examples:

  • “Did you know? Otters hold hands when sleeping to prevent drifting away from each other.”
  • “The only letter that doesn’t appear in any US state name is Q.”
  • “The average person walks the equivalent of 5 times around the world in a lifetime.”
  • “Dragonflies have a 95% hunt success rate, the highest of any predator.”
  • “The dot over the letter ‘i’ is called a tittle.”

Drop a cool factoid to showcase your smarts and give people something interesting to chat about.

Share Positive Affirmations

Uplifting, positive affirmations are great for about sections as they spread good vibes. Some examples:

  • “I am enough”
  • “Every day is a fresh start”
  • “My possibilities are endless”
  • “I have so much to be grateful for”
  • “I choose happiness”

We could all use more positivity in our lives, so share an inspirational message for others to reflect on.

Reference Pop Culture

Pop culture references make fun WhatsApp statuses when done right. Some ideas:

  • “That’s what” – She, The Office
  • “I am Groot”
  • “Hakuna Matata” – The Lion King
  • “I solemnly swear that I am up to no good” – Harry Potter
  • “Savage, classy, bougie, ratchet” – Megan Thee Stallion

Just don’t overdo it on super obscure references. Stick to major cultural moments most people will recognize.

Ask Thoughtful Questions

Asking a thoughtful question prompts people to reflect and start meaningful conversations. Some examples:

  • “What would you do if you knew you couldn’t fail?”
  • “Where do you feel most at peace?”
  • “What is your biggest dream?”
  • “What have you always wanted to try but haven’t yet?”
  • “If you could go back in time, what advice would you give your younger self?”

Leave people feeling a little more in touch with their aspirations and curiosities.

Use Emojis

Emojis are a fun way to enhance your WhatsApp status and convey extra meaning. Some examples:

  • “Currently living the 🐝 life”
  • “On vacation mode 🏖️”
  • “Quarantine made me 🤪”
  • “Chasing waterfalls 🌧️⛰️”
  • “Be silly, be honest, be kind ❤️”

Just don’t overdo it on emojis or use ones that are confusing or unclear.

Keep it Clean

While it’s fine to show personality, avoid inappropriate, vulgar, or insensitive statuses. Keep in mind many of your contacts may include coworkers, family members, employers, etc. Stay classy and steer clear of anything too political, controversial, or NSFW.

Change It Up

Don’t get stuck leaving the same WhatsApp status for months on end. Change your about line every week or two to keep things fresh and give people new tidbits about you. Seasonal or holiday-themed statuses can be fun as well.

Ask for Opinions

If you’re stuck between a few options, why not put it to a vote? Ask your friends which WhatsApp status they like best. This can be a fun way to engage your contacts and get them involved.


With these tips, you can craft the perfect about line to express yourself on WhatsApp. Keep it short, be creative, add humor, share inspirational quotes, drop fun facts, use emojis, and update it regularly. Just keep things lighthearted and appropriate. A thoughtful, witty status is sure to get conversations started and give people a little insight into your personality.

Type Examples
Short and Simple “Live, laugh, love”, “Be happy”, “Stay awesome”
Quotes “Live the life you have imagined”, “You only live once, but if you do it right, once is enough”
Song Lyrics “Walking on sunshine”, “Don’t stop believing”
Express Yourself “Currently accepting applications for a naptime buddy”, “Sarcasm is my love language”
Interesting Facts “Otters hold hands when sleeping”, “Dragonflies have a 95% hunt success rate”
Positive Affirmations “I am enough”, “I choose happiness”
Pop Culture “I am Groot”, “Hakuna Matata”
Thoughtful Questions “What would you do if you knew you couldn’t fail?”, “Where do you feel most at peace?”
Emojis “On vacation mode 🏖️”, “Be silly, be honest, be kind ❤️”