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What is the best name for a channel?

Choosing the right name for a YouTube channel is one of the most important decisions when starting a channel. The channel name will be the first thing viewers see and it can play a big role in whether or not they click on your videos. When brainstorming channel name ideas, there are a few key factors to keep in mind:

Reflect Your Content

First and foremost, you want a name that actually reflects the content you plan to create. This will set accurate expectations for viewers right away. For example, if you plan to upload gaming videos, including the word “gaming” in the title makes sense. If your channel will focus on beauty tips, consider using “beauty” or something similar in the name.

Stand Out

At the same time, you want your channel name to stand out from the crowd. Using an overly generic name like “Gaming Channel” or “Beauty Tips” makes it harder to get noticed. Try to come up with a unique spin that captures attention.

Keep it Simple

Avoid names that are overly complicated or hard to remember. You want viewers to be able to easily recall your channel name and search for it with ease. Steer clear of odd spellings or obscure references. Aim for simple and catchy.

Check Availability

Make sure to check if the desired name is already taken by another channel. YouTube does not allow multiple channels to have the exact same name. Try adding extra words or numbers if your first choice isn’t available.

Allows for Growth

Think ahead to the future of your channel. Make sure the name you choose now still works even if your content expands over time. For example, if you start with beauty videos but later want to add fashion and lifestyle, a name like “Beauty Addict” would be limiting.

Use Keywords

Incorporate keywords relevant to your niche in the channel name when possible. This can help with YouTube SEO and makes it easier for viewers to find your content when searching for those terms.

Sounds Professional

You want a channel name that comes across as professional. Include proper spelling and grammar. Avoid anything inappropriate or potentially offensive.

Examples of Great Channel Names

Here are some examples of creative and effective YouTube channel names:

Channel Name Niche
RelaxMyDog – Relaxing Music for Dogs Dog relaxation music
Blogilates Fitness
Screen Rant Movie reviews
Kurzgesagt – In a Nutshell Educational animations
The Game Theorists Gaming theories
First We Feast Celebrity interviews and food challenges

These names clearly communicate the channel topic in a unique, memorable way. They are fairly simple and use relevant keywords for their niches.

Tips for Brainstorming Channel Name Ideas

Here are some tips to help generate creative YouTube channel name ideas:

  • Make lists of words related to your niche and content focus
  • Combine words in unique ways to create new names
  • Alter spellings or abbreviate words to put a new spin on them
  • Use alliterations, rhymes, and plays on words
  • Consider names related to your personality if you will appear on camera
  • Research competitors’ names for inspiration
  • Ask friends and family for ideas and feedback

Things to Avoid in a Channel Name

When brainstorming your YouTube channel name, here are some things to avoid:

  • Overly long or complex names that are hard to remember
  • Obscure references that viewers won’t understand
  • Anything inappropriate or offensive
  • Misspellings or improper grammar
  • Random numbers or excessive use of symbols
  • Names that are impossible to say out loud
  • Generic names like “Cooking Channel” or “Gaming Channel”
  • Copying another popular YouTube name


Your YouTube channel name is incredibly important. It needs to communicate your brand, stand out from competitors, reflect your content, and lay the foundation for future growth. Brainstorm plenty of name ideas and get feedback before deciding. A creative, strategic name can help attract viewers and subscribers right from the start.

What to Do Once You Choose a Name

Once you’ve selected the perfect YouTube channel name, here are some next steps:

  • Check availability and claim across social media
  • Secure matching domain name and email
  • Design a channel icon and art
  • Add name and branding consistently to videos and descriptions
  • Promote your new name on social media and with friends/family
  • Update any printed materials, business cards, etc.

Consistent use of your new brand name will help build recognition over time. Be sure to claim it everywhere and start integrating it into all your online properties right away.

Frequently Asked Questions

Should my channel name match my username?

Your YouTube channel name and username do not have to match exactly. The channel name is what viewers will see. The username is more for the backend and URLs. Some people use variations for these two fields.

Can I change my channel name later on?

Yes, you are able to change your YouTube channel name. However, it’s best to choose a name you can stick with long-term if possible. Changing names multiple times can confuse viewers. But the option is there if your channel evolves.

Should I include my name in the channel name?

Using your name or screen name is recommended if you plan to appear frequently in your videos. People connect better when they can associate a name and face. But it isn’t required – some top channels use completely unique names.

How do trademarks apply to channel names?

YouTube reserves the right to claim or change any channel name that violates a trademark. Do not use trademarked terms in your name unless you have permission. Your channel could get shut down.