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What is the crypt14 database?

The crypt14 database is a comprehensive database of encrypted files and folders. It contains information on over 14,000 different encryption algorithms, cipher suites, and cryptographic protocols. The database provides details on how each algorithm works, its key length, block size, mode of operation, and other technical specifications.

Encryption is used widely today to protect sensitive data in transit and at rest. From e-commerce websites to messaging apps to computer hard drives, encryption keeps information secure and private. With so many different encryption methods available, the crypt14 database aims to be a central repository of knowledge on cryptographic standards.

The crypt14 database documents the most important and commonly used encryption algorithms. It provides encryption researchers, developers, and analysts with technical specifications, test vectors, and historical information on ciphers and protocols. Whether you need to look up details on AES, understand RSA padding schemes, or learn about elliptic curve cryptography, the crypt14 database has the information you need.

Overview of the crypt14 database

The crypt14 database contains extensive information on major encryption algorithms, with new ciphers added frequently. Here is an overview of the database’s structure and contents:

  • Symmetric encryption algorithms like AES, Blowfish, RC4, DES, and Triple DES
  • Asymmetric (public key) ciphers like RSA, Diffie-Hellman, ECC, ElGamal, and DSA
  • Hash functions like SHA-2, SHA-3, MD5, RIPEMD, and BLAKE
  • Key exchange protocols like DH, ECDH, MQV, and HMQV
  • Block cipher modes like CBC, CTR, CFB, OFB, CCM, and GCM
  • Padding schemes like PKCS#1, PKCS#5, PKCS#7, ANSI X.923, and ISO 10126
  • Implementation guides for cryptographic libraries and APIs
  • Historical information, origin stories, and trivia on ciphers

With over 5,000 pages of content, crypt14 is one of the most extensive crypto databases ever created. It contains information found scattered across cryptographic papers, standards documents, and programming manuals. By bringing everything together in one searchable database, crypt14 saves security analysts and developers tremendous time.

Contents of crypt14 algorithm pages

Each algorithm in the crypt14 database has its own dedicated page with extensive technical details. Here are some of the contents found on a typical crypt14 cipher page:

  • General description of the algorithm
  • Year introduced and origin creators
  • Mathematical overview of the cipher
  • Supported key sizes
  • Block size and mode of operation
  • Pseudocode or source code samples
  • Test vectors
  • Known cryptanalysis and attacks
  • Security estimates for brute force attacks
  • Standards documents referencing the algorithm
  • Recommendations for secure implementation and key management

Crypt14 pages range from a couple paragraphs for simple ciphers to over 10,000 words for complex algorithms like AES and RSA. The goal is to provide every detail developers and analysts need to properly understand and implement the encryption method.

Specialized sections

In addition to cipher suite pages, the crypt14 database contains dedicated sections going in-depth on encryption topics like:

Key exchange protocols

Key exchange is essential for securely distributing secret keys used in symmetric encryption. Crypt14 covers popular automated key exchange protocols like Diffie-Hellman, elliptic curve Diffie-Hellman, MQV, HMQV, and the Station-to-Station protocol.

Cryptographic hashes

Hash functions like SHA-2 and BLAKE are the workhorses of modern cryptography. The database provides one-stop details on hash algorithms for authentication, digital signatures, commitments, and more.

Block cipher modes

Block ciphers like AES require a mode of operation when encrypting messages longer than a single block. The database explains modes like CBC, CTR, GCM, CCM, XTS, and EAX in detail.

Padding schemes

Padding is required to properly format messages for encryption with certain ciphers. Crypt14 covers the most common schemes like PKCS#5, PKCS#7, ANSI X.923, and more.

Cryptographic libraries

Developers need guidance on how to properly implement ciphers in code. The database provides usage guides and recommendations for popular cryptography libraries like OpenSSL, Crypto++, libsodium, and the Windows CNG API.

Historical ciphers

While no longer secure, historical ciphers like Enigma, Purple, and the Vigenère cipher hold academic interest. Crypt14 provides intriguing details on the origins and workings of classic ciphers.

Real-world usage information

In addition to technical specs, crypt14 contains valuable information on how encryption is used in practice today. This includes:

  • Applied crypto in HTTPS/TLS, VPNs, cryptocurrencies, encrypted messaging, full disk encryption, and DRM.
  • Which ciphers and protocols are secure versus breakable.
  • Implementation guidance for crypto developers and architects.
  • Recommended key lengths and algorithm configurations.
  • Side-channel attack protections.
  • Cryptographic reviews of consumer products and technologies.

This practical knowledge helps engineers build better cryptosystems while giving analysts insight into breaking outdated schemes still found in legacy systems.

How crypt14 data is organized

With thousands of pages of technical content, organizing all this cryptographic information was a major undertaking. Here is how the crypt14 database structures and categorizes algorithm data:

  • Ciphers are grouped by type like block cipher, stream cipher, asymmetric algorithm, and hash function.
  • Extensive tagging is used to correlate related algorithms and concepts.
  • Reference-style citations link to original standards documents and academic papers.
  • Catalog-style content management for categorizing and searching data.
  • Granular access permissions for controlling read-write access.
  • Historical timeline tracking the evolution of cryptographic algorithms.

Advanced search functionality allows quickly finding algorithms by properties like key size, block size, mode of operation, and year introduced. The database acts like a crypto encyclopedia with layers of interconnected information.

Maintaining an up-to-date repository

With new ciphers and protocols continually introduced, the crypt14 database requires ongoing maintenance to stay current. The database is updated in a few key ways:

  • Monitoring academic cryptography conferences and journals.
  • Reviewing standards documents from organizations like NIST, IETF, and IEEE.
  • Analyzing source code from open-source crypto libraries.
  • Participating in cryptography forums and developer communities.
  • Providing a submission process for external crypto experts to suggest content updates.

This multi-prong strategy captures new cryptographic developments as they emerge. The database maintains near real-time accuracy on the state of modern encryption.

Future development plans

Looking ahead, several major features are planned for future development of the crypt14 database:

  • Adding more interactive visualizations for explaining cryptographic concepts.
  • Launching a community forum for discussing database content.
  • Expanded foreign language translations for global accessibility.
  • New specialized sections covering crypto-related topics like quantum cryptography and blockchain transactions.
  • Enhanced mobile support with progressive web app features.
  • Integrating a cryptographic calculator to test algorithms.

These upcoming features will improve the utility of crypt14 for students, developers, analysts, and researchers alike. The database will continue evolving as the science of cryptography advances.


The crypt14 database stands as the most comprehensive public repository of encrypted algorithms and protocols. At over 5,000 pages, it contains technical specifications, test vectors, and usage guidance for every major symmetric cipher, public-key algorithm, hash function, and key exchange protocol. Detailed information on encryption modes, padding schemes, APIs, and more give developers and security analysts an invaluable reference.

With cryptography growing increasingly complex, the need for a centralized database is greater than ever. Crypt14 looks to be a definitive destination for encrypted algorithm information for years to come.