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What is the nobody option in WhatsApp group?

The “nobody” option in WhatsApp groups allows you to send a message in the group chat that is not tied to any particular contact. When you send a message using this option, it will show up in the chat as being sent by “Nobody”.

Why does WhatsApp have a nobody option?

There are a few key reasons why WhatsApp included the ability to send messages anonymously in group chats:

  • To allow users to post messages without revealing their identity. This can be useful if you want to share something but don’t want your name attached to it.
  • To facilitate group administration. Group admins can use the nobody option to make announcements or post reminders without it looking like it’s coming from any specific person.
  • For games and entertainment. The nobody option enables users to play guessing games or pranks in a group chat without revealing who sent each message.
  • To test settings. Users can send a test message as nobody to check if their settings like notifications are configured properly.

Overall, the nobody option gives users more flexibility in how they communicate in WhatsApp groups. It allows for anonymous posting and creates opportunities for entertainment among groups of friends or colleagues.

How to use the nobody option

Using the nobody option to send anonymous messages in WhatsApp is easy:

  1. Open the WhatsApp group where you want to send the anonymous message.
  2. Tap the message field at the bottom where you would normally enter your message.
  3. Instead of typing your message, tap the contact name directly above the message field.
  4. This will open your contacts list. Look for the “Nobody” option at the top and tap it.
  5. You will see the contact name switch to “Nobody”.
  6. Type your message as normal and hit send.

The message will now be delivered in the group chat without your name attached to it. Other users will simply see that it was sent by “Nobody”.

What happens when you use the nobody option

When sending a message as nobody in WhatsApp, there are a few key things to note:

  • The message will show up with the profile name “Nobody” rather than your own name.
  • There will be no profile picture next to the message.
  • If you have read receipts enabled, nobody messages will still show those receipts to indicate they have been read.
  • Replies to your nobody message will be sent to the full group, not back to you individually.
  • You can see your own nobody messages in the chat history, but they will show as being from Nobody.
  • If you delete a nobody message, it will be deleted for everyone in the group.
  • Admins and group members don’t have the option to see who originally sent the nobody message.

Essentially, the message is fully anonymous. The only indication others will have is if they directly recognize the content or writing style as coming from a particular person. But there are no identifying details shown alongside a nobody message.

Limitations of anonymous messages

While the nobody option does allow for anonymous messaging, there are some limitations to consider:

  • Nobody messages only work in group chats, you cannot send them in individual chats.
  • In very small groups (3 people or less) it is usually quite obvious who sent it.
  • The feature can be abused by spammers or for bullying.
  • Some users consider anonymous messages as rude or annoying.
  • You miss out on personalized communication when hiding your identity.

Because of these limitations, it’s usually best to use the nobody option sparingly. Make sure it’s for appropriate situations where you have a specific reason to want to be anonymous.

Fun uses for the nobody option

While anonymous messaging has its caveats, there are certainly some fun ways groups of friends can utilize the nobody option:

  • Play guessing games like “Two Truths and a Lie” by taking turns sending nobody messages.
  • Tell jokes or riddles without giving away who sent each one.
  • Create polls or surveys that allow people to respond anonymously.
  • Leave anonymous compliments for group members to boost morale.
  • Plan surprises for someone by secretly coordinating in the group chat.
  • Roleplaying games where you take on a character anonymously.
  • Share secrets, crushes, or confessions people wouldn’t be as comfortable posting publicly.

As long as everyone is on board, using the nobody option sparingly in these kinds of fun scenarios can liven up your group chats!

Proper etiquette for anonymous messages

To avoid abusing the nobody option or annoying other users, here are some rules of etiquette to follow:

  • Don’t overuse it – only send anonymously when you have a specific reason to.
  • Don’t reveal secrets or personal details about others.
  • Don’t participate in bullying, insults, or prejudice.
  • Make sure the group is comfortable with anonymous posting.
  • Keep it lighthearted and fun when possible.
  • Don’t create unnecessary confusion or distraction.
  • Respect the wishes of any group member who asks you not to use nobody messages.

Following basic etiquette helps ensure anonymous messaging doesn’t become a nuisance while still allowing you to enjoy its benefits. Be thoughtful in how and when you use the nobody option.

Tips for effective use of nobody messages

To get the most out of the nobody feature, here are some tips:

  • Make sure your message contributes something useful to the group.
  • Keep it concise – don’t turn it into a soapbox.
  • Consider revealing your identity afterwards when appropriate.
  • Don’t force it if you can’t think of a good reason to use it.
  • Have a bartender send drink recipes, a chef give cooking tips, etc anonymously.
  • Let new people introduce themselves anonymously when joining a group.
  • Frame polls and survey questions neutrally without revealing your stance.

Using the nobody option well takes some thought and care. When done right, it can be a fun and effective way to participate in your WhatsApp groups!

Answering questions about the nobody option

Here are direct answers to some common questions about the nobody option in WhatsApp:

Can group admins see who sent a nobody message?

No, WhatsApp group admins do not have the ability to see who originally sent a message using the nobody option. The anonymity applies to admins as well.

Can you tell if the same person sent multiple nobody messages?

There is no definitive way to tell if multiple nobody messages came from the same person. However, you may be able to guess based on similarities in writing style, tone, content, etc.

Can someone find out who sent a nobody message?

No, there is no way for WhatsApp users to uncover the identity behind a nobody message unless the sender chooses to reveal themselves. The anonymity applies to everyone in the group equally.

Can you send media files like photos with nobody messages?

No, the nobody option is limited to sending text-based messages only. You cannot attach media such as photos, videos, or documents to nobody messages in WhatsApp.

Do deleted nobody messages get deleted for everyone?

Yes, if you delete a nobody message you originally sent, it will be deleted in the group chat for all participants, not just deleted for you privately.


The nobody option for anonymous messaging in WhatsApp groups provides an intriguing way to communicate more flexibly. When used properly, it can be fun and engaging. But it also comes with risks like abuse if used irresponsibly. Apply etiquette, stick to appropriate situations, and don’t overuse it. With the right discretion, the nobody option gives groups a creative new mechanic for expression, entertainment, and coordination.