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What is the quote reply feature?

The quote reply feature allows users to directly quote a specific part of a tweet when replying to it. This helps conversations stay focused and makes it easier to follow tweet threads. The feature originated on Twitter and has since been adopted by other social platforms like Facebook, Reddit, and messaging apps.

When composing a reply on Twitter, tapping or clicking the “quote tweet” icon will append the quoted tweet to your reply. The original tweet will appear slightly grayed out and indented underneath your reply text. This creates a clean visual thread so others can follow the back-and-forth exchange easily.

How it works

To use the quote reply feature on Twitter:

1. Tap or click on the tweet you want to directly quote. This will open the full tweet thread.

2. Locate the tweet you want to reply to. Tap or click the downward arrow icon on the right side of the tweet.

3. From the dropdown menu, select “Quote Tweet.” This will open up the compose window with the quoted tweet already populated.

4. Type your reply in the text field above the quoted tweet. You can edit or delete the quote if desired.

5. Tap the “Tweet” button to post your quote reply.

The original tweet you quoted will appear slightly grayed out and indented underneath your reply text. Other users will be able to easily see which specific tweet you were replying to based on the visual formatting.

Example of a quote reply

Original Tweet:

The quote reply feature on Twitter makes it easy to directly reference specific tweets in a thread.

Quote Reply:

I agree! The quote reply is really useful for keeping conversations focused. No more confusion about which tweet someone is responding to.

The quote reply feature on Twitter makes it easy to directly reference specific tweets in a thread.

As you can see in the example, the original tweet is displayed indented and grayed out underneath the reply text.


The quote reply feature provides several benefits:

Keeps conversations on topic

By directly quoting the specific tweet you’re responding to, your reply stays focused on that part of the conversation. There’s no confusion about which tweet you’re referencing.

Provides context

The quoted original tweet provides important context for others reading your reply later. They can quickly see what you were responding to without having to search through the entire thread.

Helps threads stay organized

Quote replies keep responses neatly grouped together visually. This makes long tweet threads much easier to follow, rather than replies becoming disorganized over time.

Allows for precision

You can directly reference key points or highlight specific passages from the original tweet in your reply. This precision helps you communicate exactly what you’re responding to.

Aids in attribution

The quote makes it clear who originally authored the content being discussed. This gives proper attribution and prevents confusion.

Enhances engagement

By directly interacting with specific tweets, the back-and-forth conversation feels more natural. TheQuote replies often generate more engagement on tweets and threads.

Use Cases

The quote reply has many useful applications:

Commenting on friends’ tweets

Let your friends know exactly which part of their tweet you’re reacting to, like their joke or main point.

Joining in on viral threads

Seamlessly add your perspective to crowded conversations by quoting the most relevant tweets.

Providing customer service

Brands can use quote replies to address customer feedback and questions directly by quoting their original tweets.

Disputing claims

You can object to specific statements by influential accounts or public figures using the quote reply.

Reacting to news

Journalists and commentators often use quote tweets to respond to news items and reports.

Acknowledging supporters

Public figures can recognize supporters and influencers by quoting their shoutouts and mentions.

Tips for Using Quote Replies

Here are some tips to use quote replies effectively:

Be judicious

Only quote the most relevant parts of a tweet to keep your reply focused. Don’t overquote.

Comment thoughtfully

Your comments should add to the discussion and interact with the quoted content. Don’t just quote without adding value.

Watch your tone

Snarky or sarcastic quote replies can come across negatively. Be mindful of how your reply might be interpreted.

Provide context

Give any needed background in your reply text to help others understand your perspective.

Ask clarifying questions

If you’re unsure about part of the original tweet, quote it in your reply and ask for clarification.

Respect attribution

Always attribute properly when quoting others. Don’t take credit for quotes.

Edit quotes

You can edit quoted tweets for brevity or clarity. But don’t misrepresent the original meaning.

Proper Use Cases

Here are some examples of properly using quote replies:

Agreeing with a point

Quote a key insight from someone’s tweet and expand on why you agree with it in your reply.

Providing an example

If someone makes a broad claim, quote it and use your reply to provide a specific example or case study relating to their point.

Asking for evidence

Quote a questionable statistic or fact and request more details or a link to a source in your reply.

Offering a different perspective

Respectfully share an alternative viewpoint by quoting the part of the tweet you see differently.

Lighthearted interaction

Quote a friend’s joke or witty tweet to let them know you enjoyed that part specifically.

Inappropriate Use

It’s important to avoid misusing the quote reply feature:

Taking tweets out of context

Quoting only a fragment of a broader tweet can misrepresent the original meaning.

Publicly singling out users

Randomly quoting users you don’t know to make fun of them or incite your own followers is inappropriate.

Artificial engagement

Brands shouldn’t spam quote replies to try to generate engagement artificially. Participate authentically.


Repeatedly targeting a user with antagonistic quote replies crosses the line into harassment.

Propagating misinformation

Quoting and spreading falsehoods, rumors, or doctored photos can quickly circulate misinformation. Verify facts first.

The Future of Quote Replies

Quote replies have transformed online conversations and become a standard feature across social media. In the future, we may see quote replies evolve with new capabilities:

Multi-tweet quotes

Platforms could allow quoting multiple tweets in sequence to reply to a whole thread or storyline at once.

Auto-summarize quotes

AI could help shorten or summarize quoted content to highlight the most relevant parts efficiently.

Sentiment analysis

Quote replies could detect the sentiment of the original tweet (positive, negative, neutral) and suggest appropriate reactions.

Smart suggestions

Algorithms may recommend previous relevant tweets to quote based on the content of your reply.

Rich formatting

More visually engaging quote replies could allow GIFs, images, or videos to be embedded in the quotes.

Cross-platform support

Future integration may allow seamlessly quoting tweets in other social apps and messaging platforms.


The quote reply feature originated on Twitter but is now commonly used across social media. It enables users to directly interact with specific parts of a tweet right within the reply. This keeps conversations focused, provides helpful context, and makes long threads easier to follow. Brands, public figures, journalists, and everyday users can all benefit from using quote replies effectively. With future innovation, quote replies may become even more powerful and engaging. But for now, the simple act of highlighting relevant tweets within response threads remains a useful way to converse online.