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What is the WhatsApp priority list?

The WhatsApp priority list allows users to prioritize important chats and contacts on WhatsApp. This feature was introduced in WhatsApp version for Android and iOS in July 2022. It allows you to pin up to 3 chats to the top of your chats list, so you never miss messages from your most important contacts.

How does the WhatsApp priority list work?

The WhatsApp priority list lets you pin up to 3 specific chats to the top of your chats list in WhatsApp. These pinned chats will appear at the top of your chats list with a star icon next to them. Even when you receive new messages from other chats, the priority/pinned chats will remain at the top so they are always visible.

To pin a chat on WhatsApp:

  1. Open the WhatsApp chat you want to pin
  2. Tap the contact’s name at the top of the chat window
  3. Tap “Pin to top”

The chat will now have a star icon next to it indicating it’s pinned. To unpin the chat, just repeat the steps above and tap “Unpin from top”.

Why is the WhatsApp priority list useful?

Here are some of the benefits of using WhatsApp’s priority chat feature:

  • Never miss important messages – Pinned chats always stay visible at the top so you see messages as soon as they come in.
  • Prioritize conversations – Pin your most important contacts like family and close friends.
  • Stay organized – Keep tabs on urgent conversations easily without them getting buried.
  • Quick access – Easily open and jump between your priority chats at the top.
  • Customizable – Pin up to 3 chats based on your preferences.

Who can I add to my WhatsApp priority list?

You can pin chats with both individual contacts and groups on WhatsApp. Some ways you may want to use your priority pins:

  • Family members
  • Close friends
  • Important work colleagues
  • Your manager or boss
  • Client chats
  • Project groups
  • Emergency contact

The choice is yours – pick the 3 contacts or groups that are most important to you. You can change these at any time.

How do I pin chats on WhatsApp Business?

Pinning chats works the same way in WhatsApp Business as it does in regular WhatsApp. Just long press on the chat, tap the contact name, and choose “Pin to top”.

Some useful ways businesses can use pinned chats include:

  • Pining important clients
  • Pinning support chats
  • Pinning chat with your business partner
  • Pinning project management or team chats

Can I pin chats on WhatsApp Web/Desktop?

Yes, you can also pin and unpin chats from WhatsApp Web and Desktop in the same way:

  1. Right click on the chat you want to pin
  2. Click on the contact’s name
  3. Choose “Pin to top” or unpin

Your pinned chats will sync across mobile and desktop, so your WhatsApp priority list is consistent on all devices.

Is my WhatsApp priority list private?

Yes, your WhatsApp priority list and pinned chats are private to you. Other users will not know if you have their chat pinned or see your pinned chats. It’s a personalized feature just for your use.

Can I create a priority list on WhatsApp groups?

Unfortunately, you cannot prioritize entire groups or pin multiple groups to the top. Each of your 3 priority pins can be used either for an individual chat or a single group chat.

Some workarounds include:

  • Pin the most important groups
  • Create a priority chat with 1 person from each important group
  • Use mute settings to manage less important groups

How do I disable pinned chats or priority list?

If you no longer want to use priority chats, you can simply unpin the conversations:

  1. Long press the pinned chat
  2. Tap contact name
  3. Select “Unpin from top”

This will unpin the chat and remove it from your priority list. The chat will move back down your chats list to its normal position.

What’s the difference between pinned chats, archived chats, and muted chats?

WhatsApp gives you a few different options to organize and manage your chats:

Feature Description
Pinned Chats Lets you pick up to 3 chats to always stay at the top of your list
Archived Chats Lets you hide chats from your main list (stored in Archive tab)
Muted Chats Let’s you mute notifications from specific chats

Using these options together can help you stay on top of priority chats while reducing noise and clutter.

What’s the difference between starred messages and pinned chats?

Starred messages and pinned chats serve different purposes:

  • Starred messages – Lets you bookmark specific messages within a chat.
  • Pinned chats – Pins entire conversations to the top of your chats list.

You can use both features together – pin important chats and star key messages within them. This helps you easily access the most critical content.

Can I pin channels or group chats with over 200 members?

Unfortunately, you cannot pin group chats that have over 200 participants. However, you can pin individual chats from members in those larger groups.

How many chats can I pin at once?

You can pin up to 3 individual chats or groups to your WhatsApp priority list at the same time. If you try to pin more than 3, it will unpin the oldest pinned chat.

Do my contacts see if I pin their chat?

No, your contacts do not receive any notification or indication if you pin their chat. Your pinned chats and priority list are completely private to you.

Can I pin chats that I have muted or archived?

Yes! You can pin chats even if they are muted or archived. This overrides those settings and will unmute and unarchive the chat when pinned.

Is there a way to auto-pin certain chats?

There is no native option in WhatsApp to automatically pin specific chats. The only way is to manually pin and unpin chats as needed.

However, there are some third-party apps that offer the ability to create auto-pin rules, like PinChat for WhatsApp.

Can I pin verified business accounts to the top?

Yes, you can pin chats with verified businesses and their WhatsApp Business accounts to your priority list. This ensures you see their messages at the top of your inbox.

How do I pin non-contacts on WhatsApp?

You cannot pin chats with non-contacts you don’t have saved in your phone’s contacts. To pin a non-contact:

  1. Save their number to your phone’s contacts
  2. Open the WhatsApp chat
  3. Tap their name and select “Pin to top”

Saving them to your contacts allows you to then pin them as needed.

Can I reorder my pinned chats?

Unfortunately, there is no way to manually reorder your pinned chats within your priority list. They will always appear in the order they were pinned – the first chat you pinned will remain at the very top.

To change the order, you would need to unpin chats and then re-pin them in your preferred order.

Do my pinned chats sync across devices?

Yes, your WhatsApp priority list and pinned chats automatically sync across devices. Any changes you make on one device will be reflected everywhere you use WhatsApp, like on your phone, WhatsApp Web, and WhatsApp Desktop.

Can I pin chats on WhatsApp if I use multi-device?

Yes, you can pin chats even if you have WhatsApp multi-device enabled and use WhatsApp on multiple devices at once. Your pinned chats will sync across all linked devices.

Is there a limit to how long I can pin a chat?

There is no time limit for how long you can keep a chat pinned on your WhatsApp priority list. A pinned chat will stay at the top indefinitely until you choose to unpin it.

Can I pin chats from my message requests?

If you receive a message request from an unknown number, you cannot pin that chat until you accept the message request. This converts it into a regular chat that can then be pinned as needed.


The WhatsApp priority list offers a simple but useful way to stay on top of your most important conversations. By pinning up to 3 chats, you can ensure you never miss critical messages and stay organized. Make sure to choose the contacts that are top priorities for quick access at any time.

Keep in mind pinned chats are private and personalized, so use this feature in a way that works for your messaging needs. Try pinning the groups and people that need your attention the most!