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What name shows up on WhatsApp?

WhatsApp is one of the most popular messaging apps in the world, with over 2 billion active users. When you exchange messages with someone on WhatsApp, you’ll see whatever name they have set in their profile. But what determines the name that shows up? There are a few factors that control what name is displayed for each user.

WhatsApp Profile Name

The main name that shows up on WhatsApp is the profile name set by each user within the app. This is found in Settings > Profile. Users can set any name they want here – it doesn’t have to match their real name. Many people use nicknames, initials, emojis, or other creative names in their profile.

So whatever name a user inputs into their WhatsApp profile is what you’ll see when receiving messages from them. This profile name will display across all of your chats with that person. If they change their profile name, it will update in all your existing message threads as well.

Phone Contacts Name

In addition to the WhatsApp profile name, you may also see a name from your phone’s contacts list. WhatsApp automatically imports names and phone numbers from your local contacts.

So if you have someone saved in your phone’s contacts with their full name, like “Jane Smith”, that name could display next to their messages rather than their WhatsApp profile name.

This contacts name will only show up if you have their phone number saved locally in your contacts. If you just have someone’s number but no name saved, it will only show their WhatsApp profile name.

Group Names

For WhatsApp groups, the group name set by the admin will display at the top of the chat. Group members can’t individually change the name that appears on their end – everyone in the group sees the same title.

Group admins can change the group name at any time. When they update it, the new name immediately takes effect for all participants in the group.

Business Profile Names

Businesses can create WhatsApp profiles through Facebook Business or the WhatsApp Business app. These business accounts include a default name like “Flowers Inc.” or “Customer Support”.

When interacting with a business account, you’ll see their business name and profile photo or logo. These business names can’t be changed on the user end – only the business can update their name and info.


You have the option to set custom nicknames for your contacts on WhatsApp. This is done by tapping and holding a chat, then choosing Nickname.

The nickname will override your phone’s contacts name and their WhatsApp profile name. Other users won’t see the nickname – it’s only visible to you. This is a good way to stay organized if you have multiple people with similar names.

Display Names With Group Chats

WhatsApp added a feature called Display Names With Group Chats in late 2022. When enabled in Settings, this always shows your contacts’ names in group chats, rather than just their numbers.

By default, group chats only show names for your saved contacts. With this setting on, it will display the profile name for every participant, even those not in your contacts.

Name on Call Screens

On the incoming WhatsApp call screen, the name displayed depends on if you have the caller saved in your phone’s contacts or not.

For saved contacts, their name from your phone will show up. For numbers not saved in your contacts, it will display their WhatsApp profile name if you have them added. Otherwise it will just show their phone number.

Changing Your Name on WhatsApp

To update the name people see from you in WhatsApp chats, simply edit your profile name:

1. Open WhatsApp and tap the 3-dot menu.
2. Choose Settings.
3. Select your profile name at the top.
4. Type your new name and tap OK.

This will immediately change your name across all your message threads. You can change it back at any time the same way.

Keep in mind that some of your contacts may still see your old name if they have you saved locally in their phone’s contacts. They would need to edit your name there as well to complete the update across all devices.

Restoring Your Name

If you want to restore your profile name on WhatsApp to the original name from your phone’s contacts, follow these steps:

1. Go to your phone’s contacts app and find your own listing. Copy your name there.
2. In WhatsApp, edit your profile name and paste your contacts name.
3. Tap OK to set your profile name back to the original.

This will overwrite any custom name with the name from your local phone contacts. You can repeat this process anytime to sync the two up.

Names on WhatsApp Web/Desktop

WhatsApp Web and Desktop work the same way as the mobile apps when it comes to names. Your WhatsApp profile name will be used across all platforms.

Any changes made to your profile name on mobile will automatically sync to the web and desktop versions as well. There may be a short delay as the apps sync up, but generally profile updates propagate very quickly.

Phone contacts names are not available on WhatsApp Web/Desktop since those contacts are stored locally on your mobile device. So for any non-saved numbers, the web version will display their WhatsApp profile name.


The name shown on WhatsApp primarily comes from each user’s profile name set within WhatsApp. For saved contacts, it may display the name from your local phone contacts instead. Group names are controlled by admins, while businesses have predefined names.

To change the name people see from you, update your WhatsApp profile name in the app settings. This provides an easy way to customize how you appear in others’ chats and call screens.

Frequently Asked Questions

Does WhatsApp show your real name?

No, WhatsApp does not automatically show your real name. It displays the profile name you set within the app, which can be anything you choose. Your real name may show up if a contact has you saved that way in their phone’s contacts.

Can you see someone’s last name on WhatsApp?

You cannot see someone’s last name on WhatsApp unless they have included it in their profile name or you have their full name saved in your phone’s contacts. WhatsApp itself only displays first names and nicknames.

Why do some contacts have numbers instead of names on WhatsApp?

If you see phone numbers instead of contact names, it’s likely because you don’t have those people saved in your local phone contacts. Add them as a contact to automatically sync their name to WhatsApp.

Does deleting a WhatsApp contact delete their number from your phone?

No, deleting a contact only removes them from WhatsApp. To delete their phone number completely, you need to delete them from your phone’s local contacts app. WhatsApp does not manage actual contact data.

Can you find someone’s name from their WhatsApp number?

There is no reverse lookup option within WhatsApp to identify a name from just a phone number. You would need access to that phone’s contacts to see if the number is saved with a name assigned.

Why do some names have emojis on WhatsApp?

Emojis in WhatsApp names come from users setting their profile name that way. Names with emojis are intentionally created by each user, as WhatsApp does not add them automatically.

WhatsApp Name Display Examples

Here are some examples of how names can display in different WhatsApp scenarios:

Your Contacts Their Profile Name Name You See
John Doe Jd12 John Doe
Sarah Sarah
Callie Johnson CJ Callie Johnson
🎵Music Club🎵 🎵Music Club🎵

This table illustrates how saved contacts override WhatsApp profile names, while unsaved numbers will only show the WhatsApp name.

Their Contact Name Your Nickname For Them Name You See
Alice Sis Sis
Bob Jones Boss Boss
Mom Mom

This table shows how nicknames override both the saved contact name and WhatsApp profile name for your view only.

Tips for Managing WhatsApp Names

Here are some tips to help manage the names that display in your WhatsApp chats:

– Edit your profile name to control how you appear to others. You can use a nickname if desired.

– Add important contacts to your phone’s contacts list with their full names to sync them to WhatsApp.

– Use WhatsApp nicknames for contacts if you prefer to see different names than their profile or contact name.

– Ask contacts to update their profile name if their current name is out of date or incorrect.

– Turn on Display Names With Group Chats to see names for all group participants.

– Frequently sync your contacts and profile name between your phone and WhatsApp.

– Use business profiles and group names when available to identify commercial chats and groups.

– Remove old chats and contacts every so often to clear out names you no longer need.


WhatsApp provides several options for setting the names that display in chats, allowing for profile names, phone contacts, nicknames, groups, and businesses. While profile names are the primary source, local contact names take precedence when available.

With some management of your contacts list and profile name, you can customize how your WhatsApp chats appear. Names on WhatsApp may not always reflect someone’s real identity, but they provide helpful context in messaging.