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What should I put on my WhatsApp status?

Your WhatsApp status is a great way to express yourself and share what’s going on in your life with your contacts. But coming up with new, creative status updates can be a challenge! Here are some quick tips to help you figure out what to put as your status.

Reflect your mood

One of the easiest things to do is put a status that conveys your current mood or state of mind. Are you feeling happy? Go with something upbeat and positive. Feeling philosophical? Try sharing a thoughtful quote or lyric. Had a rough day? Vent (a little) with a cryptic message about needing patience or strength. Your status is the perfect place to showcase your emotional state of mind.

Share inspirational quotes

Inspirational and motivational quotes make excellent WhatsApp statuses. Quotes about love, life, happiness, strength, success, friendship, etc. allow you to share words of wisdom, encouragement, or appreciation. Find quotes by searching the internet or using quote apps/websites. Just make sure the quote resonates with you and represents your outlook or perspective.

Use song lyrics

Song lyrics also work beautifully for statuses. Find a lyric from a current popular song or one of your all-time favorites. Pick a chorus, verse, or line that is meaningful to you. Lyrics about love and relationships are always popular choices. Just don’t copy the full song’s lyrics – keep it short and impactful.

Post inspiring messages

Write your own short inspiring message to uplift others. For example: “Smile and the world will smile back,” “Stay strong, this too shall pass,” “Live, laugh, love,” or “Be the change you wish to see.” Aim for maximum motivation and positivity in just a line or two.

Share travel adventures

If you are currently on a trip or vacation, use your status to share travel adventures and experiences. Post photos of locations you visit with captions like “Wish you were here!” or “Greetings from [place]!” It’s a fun way to make others envious in a playful way.

Post interesting facts

Share random trivia, facts, or “did you know?” tidbits to seem intellectual and inform others. Search the internet for fascinating facts about history, science, celebrities, animals, etc. Avoid facts that are overly technical or complex. Keep them short, fun, and easily understandable.

Ask thought-provoking questions

Pose a thoughtful question in your status like “What’s your biggest regret in life?” or “If you could teleport anywhere right now, where would you go?” Asking open-ended questions inspires self-reflection in your contacts and can lead to interesting conversations.

Reflect on Life Events

Your WhatsApp status is a great place to reflect on major life events and share them with your contacts. Here are some ideas for statuses when notable things happen in your life:

New relationship

If you start dating someone new, express your excitement with a status like “Happiest I’ve been in a long time” or “On cloud 9.” Don’t overshare details early on, but indicate positive emotions about the new relationship.

End of a relationship

To note the end of a relationship, share a discreet message like “Moving on and looking forward” or “Sometimes good things fall apart so better things can come together.” Venting angrily is not recommended – take the high road.

New job

Let contacts know about a new job with a status like “First day at my new company, feeling nervous and excited!” or “Can’t wait to dive into this new role and make a difference!” Share your enthusiasm but don’t overshare company details.

Major life change

If you move, get married, have a baby, etc. mark the major life change with an upbeat status like “Embarking on new adventures” or “Life is going to be very different from here on out!” Express your excitement about positive changes.

Personal loss

In the event of losing a loved one, share your grief in a short message like “Lost someone very dear to me” or “Cherishing memories of my beloved [person].” Let contacts know you are going through a difficult time without excessive details.

Be Funny or Witty

Humor and wit are always appreciated. If you are naturally funny or clever, put that on display through your status updates:

Tell a joke

Share a short joke or one-liner as your status. Keep it family-friendly and free of offensive content. Corny, cheesy, silly, or self-deprecating humor tends to work better than mean or edgy jokes.

Use puns or wordplay

Puns, double entendres, and clever wordplay make for entertaining statuses. For example: “Don’t spell part backwards. It’s a trap.” Or “I used to have a fear of hurdles, but I got over it.” Challenge yourself to come up with punny jokes.

Be sarcastic

Use sarcasm and irony to poke fun at daily annoyances, pet peeves, or common experiences we all relate to. For example: “Oh good, my favorite soap opera is on – watching paint dry.” Or “Cleaning my room is my cardio for the day.” Keep it light-hearted rather than mean.

Quote funny movies/shows

Cite a favorite funny movie or TV show line as your status. For example: “It’s a bold strategy Cotton, let’s see if it pays off” from Dodgeball. Or “You miss 100% of the shots you don’t take – Wayne Gretzky” – Michael Scott from The Office. Pick quotes your contacts will recognize and find hilarious.

Tell embarrassing stories

Self-deprecating humor is very popular. Share a funny embarrassing story from your life as your status. For example: “Stopped to pet a dog today and it peed on my leg” or “Got caught sneaking cookies before dinner again.” Laugh at yourself!

Promote Your Interests

Your status is great for highlighting your passions and interests. Here are ideas for statuses showcasing what you love:

Share book quotes

Find inspiring, interesting, or profound quotes from books you are currently reading. It shows off your literary tastes. But don’t overdo it – just share the occasional quote, not multiple each day.

Post about sports teams

If you are a huge sports fan, post about your favorite teams’ wins, losses, or rivalries. Just don’t vent anger or bitterness over defeats. Keep it upbeat and good-natured.

Discuss entertainment

Share your reactions to movies, TV shows, video games, or celebs you follow. For example: “Mind blown after watching [movie]” or “New Taylor Swift song is my jam!” Just don’t post spoilers.

Talk about hobbies

Let your contacts know about your hobbies by posting related statuses. If you are into cooking, share a photo of a dish you made. If you love traveling, post about dream destinations. Show off your interests.

Promote causes

Advocate for social justice, environmental, or political causes you care about through inspiring messages in your status. But don’t get overly preachy.

Provide Life Updates

Your status is the perfect channel for giving general life updates and announcements to your contacts:

Talk about your day

Give quick glimpses into your daily activities through your status. For example: “Long day at work today, time for a bubble bath” or “Experiencing some beautiful fall weather on my walk today!” Don’t overshare mundane details though.

Share weekend plans

Use your status to let contacts know your fun weekend plans, like parties, hiking, concert dates, etc. It drums up excitement and gives them a peek into your social life.

Post milestones

If you reach an impressive milestone, like running your longest race or having an important work anniversary, celebrate it through your status. Let your achievement shine!

Preview upcoming events

Build anticipation for special events you have coming up, like weddings, birthdays, vacations, etc. For example: “One week until [event]! Getting excited!” Generate some buzz among your contacts.

Announce visits

If you are planning a visit to see long-distance contacts soon, use your status to announce your upcoming arrival. For example: “[City] here I come! Can’t wait to see you all!”

Offer Life Lessons

Share wise advice and life lessons you’ve learned through thoughtful status updates:

Talk about values

Express the values most important to you, like loyalty, integrity, compassion, resilience, etc. through inspiring messages. Remind your contacts of what really matters most in life.

Discuss personal growth

Note milestones and developments in your personal growth journey through statuses. For example: “Proud of how far I’ve come” or “Every setback brings new wisdom.”

Share words of encouragement

Uplift your contacts with encouraging words when they are down. For example: “Your struggles today will be your strength tomorrow.” Offer motivation and hope.

Preach perspective

Remind your contacts not to sweat the small stuff and keep perspective through your status. For example: “Is this situation going to matter a year from now? If not, it’s not worth stressing over.”

List inspirational goals

State 1-3 of your short term goals as your status, like getting fit, reading more, finding a new job, etc. Lead by example and motivate others.

Observation of Current Events

Your status can also reflect on major events happening in the world:

Comment on news

Share your perspective on a major news event impacting your local area or the world. Offer hope, insight, or condolences. Just avoid controversial takes.

Note holidays

Mark major holidays and events by posting related statuses. For example: “Wishing everyone a beautiful Diwali!” or “Happy World Cup to all football fans!”

Discuss pop culture

When major pop culture events occur, like a big awards show or celebrity news, react through your status. Keep it positive – don’t spread negativity.

Share inspirational quotes

Find quotes by influential figures that offer perspective and hope about issues impacting society. For example, a Martin Luther King Jr. quote on MLK Day.

Advocate change

Express your desire to see positive changes in society through thoughtful statuses. Just avoid overly controversial, divisive phrases. Unify, don’t divide.

Creative & Artistic Ideas

For a creative twist, try some unique status ideas:

Write mini poems

Compose 1-2 lines of short poetry to intrigue and delight your contacts. For example: “Thunder roars, lightning cracks, rain drips down my back.” Have fun playing with words.

Share song verses

Instead of full lyrics, post just 1-2 lines from a song’s verse that you connect with. For example: “I can see clearly now the rain is gone” or “I’m walking on sunshine.”

Create acrostics

Use the first letter of each word in your status update to spell out a word. For example: “Reaching Ever higher, Achieving New heights, Chasing Dreams” spells R-E-A-N-C-H.

Write micro fiction

Challenge yourself to tell a very short fictional story in 1-4 sentences through your status. For example: “I found a door in the woods. I opened it and entered a castle. A royal feast awaited me. Then I woke up.”

Draw emoji art

Get creative with emojis by arranging them into fun shapes, symbols, and characters. A smiley face, animal, or your initials are a great start.

Category Status Update Ideas
Mood “Feeling fantastic today!”
Quotes “Happiness can be found in the darkest of times, if one only remembers to turn on the light.” – Dumbledore
Song Lyrics “Livin’ on a prayer!”
Inspiring Messages “Your vibe attracts your tribe.”
Travel “Greetings from the Eiffel Tower!”
Funny “I’m sweating like a sinner in church.”
Interests “Loving this new Taylor Swift album!”
Life Events “She said yes!”
Witty “I tried to catch fog yesterday. Mist.”
Life Updates “Excited for my beach trip this weekend!”
Wise Advice “Worrying won’t change the outcome. Have faith instead.”
Current Events “Thinking of everyone affected by the floods. Stay strong.”
Creative “Roses are red, violets are blue, hope this day is wonderful for you!”


Your WhatsApp status is your chance to showcase your personality, interests, mood, and more with your contacts. Follow the category ideas and examples provided to inspire creative, fun, thoughtful status updates that will keep your profile fresh. Just remember to keep statuses positive and avoid oversharing sensitive details. Have fun brainstorming new status updates and seeing the reactions from your friends!