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What to do when someone blocks you on WhatsApp?

Being blocked by someone on WhatsApp can be upsetting and confusing. You may be left wondering why you were blocked, if the block is permanent, and what you can do about it. This article will provide some quick answers to common questions about being blocked on WhatsApp and offer tips on how to handle the situation constructively.

Why would someone block me on WhatsApp?

There are a few common reasons why someone may block you on WhatsApp:

  • They want to cut off communication with you entirely
  • Something you said or did offended or upset them
  • They find your messages irritating or distracting
  • They want more privacy from you
  • Your relationship with them has ended
  • They are trying to avoid or ignore you for unspecified reasons

Being blocked is often an indication that the person feels communicating with you on WhatsApp has become problematic in some way or they no longer wish to stay in contact through that medium. It’s usually nothing personal, but rather a decision on their part to control who has access to contacting them through WhatsApp.

How can I tell if I’m blocked?

There are a few key signs that suggest you have been blocked by someone on WhatsApp:

  • Your messages to them will always show one check mark and never get delivered
  • Any calls you try to place to them won’t go through
  • You can no longer see their profile photo or online/offline status
  • You are removed from any WhatsApp groups you previously shared
  • If you try to add them to a group, you’ll get a message saying “You can’t add this contact”

If you are experiencing one or more of these issues when trying to interact with a contact, it’s very likely you have been blocked. Keep in mind there could also be other technical issues interfering, but being blocked is usually the most common reason.

Is being blocked on WhatsApp permanent?

In most cases, yes – being blocked on WhatsApp is permanent unless the person who blocked you decides to unblock. There is no time limit or expiration on WhatsApp blocks. Some key points about the permanence of blocks:

  • You cannot undo or override it from your end in any way
  • Even if you get a new phone number, you’ll still be blocked
  • Deleting and reinstalling the app won’t unblock you
  • The only way to reverse it is if they choose to unblock you

For all practical purposes, assume that a WhatsApp block is indefinite. Don’t bombard the person with messages from other channels asking them to unblock you. Respect their decision and wait to see if they reconsider it down the line.

Should I ask the person why I was blocked?

It’s usually best not to reach out and ask directly why you were blocked. Here’s why:

  • They likely won’t respond since one reason for blocking is to avoid contact.
  • The reason could be something embarrassing or difficult that they don’t want to discuss.
  • Bugging them about it may reinforce their decision to block you.
  • If it was a mutual friend who told you that you were blocked, bringing it up could create an awkward situation.

For the most part, you’ll have to accept not knowing their specific reasons. If it’s a friendship you value preserving, consider politely asking mutual connections if they have any general insight (but avoid pressuring them). In some cases, the blocker may cool off eventually and voluntarily tell you why.

What should I do if someone has blocked me?

If you discover you’ve been blocked on WhatsApp by someone, here are some constructive things you can do:

  • Respect their decision and don’t try to circumvent the block.
  • Take time to calmly reflect on why they may have felt blocking was necessary.
  • Give them space by not reaching out through other channels right away.
  • Consider if there are any patterns to your behavior that may have contributed.
  • Apologize if appropriate by sending a thoughtful message just once.
  • Focus on other relationships and life priorities in the meantime.
  • If mutual friends mention them, don’t probe excessively for information.

Handling the situation maturely can help preserve the possibility of reconciliation down the road. Avoid desperate attempts to force contact or change their mind right away.

Can I re-add a contact who blocked me?

If someone has blocked you on WhatsApp, you will be unable to add them back as a contact. Their profile and contact information is essentially invisible to you in the app after being blocked. There are a few things to note:

  • Even if you get added to a mutual group chat, you still won’t be able to see or interact with the person who blocked you.
  • Adding their phone number manually into your contacts does not override the block.
  • You cannot send them an invite to be added again as a contact.
  • The block has to be removed by them first before you can add them again.

Unless and until the person who blocked you decides to reverse their action, re-adding them as a contact is impossible. Avoid pestering mutual connections to try and get them to unblock you.

What happens if I get blocked while in a group chat?

Getting blocked while in a mutual WhatsApp group has a couple of consequences:

  • You will be automatically removed from the group and won’t be able to rejoin.
  • You will no longer see messages, media or status updates from the person who blocked you in the group.
  • Your past messages and info will still be visible to other group participants.
  • You won’t necessarily get notified that you are removed from the group.

From your perspective, it will seem like you suddenly cannot interact with the group. But the block only affects your ability to participate, while everything else continues normally for everyone else.

If I’m blocked, can I still see the person’s online status?

No, when someone blocks you on WhatsApp, you are no longer able to see any information about their online status or activity. Some things that get restricted include:

  • When they were last online
  • Any status updates they post
  • “Typing…” indicator when they are messaging
  • Read receipts on your messages
  • Profile photo changes

All aspects of their WhatsApp account and usage will appear completely inaccessible to you after being blocked. It’s as if their account ceases to exist from your perspective as a blocked contact.

Can I get blocked just for messaging too frequently?

Yes, messaging someone too often is one of the common reasons people get blocked on WhatsApp and other messaging platforms. Some signs you may want to cut down on messaging frequency include:

  • They often take a long time to respond to your messages.
  • Their responses seem terse or disinterested.
  • They tell you outright to stop messaging so often.
  • Your messages are usually about trivial matters.
  • You double/triple message if they don’t respond quickly.

Pay attention to how regularly the other person messages you. Match their cadence instead of bombarding their phone with constant notifications. Send thoughtful, valuable messages rather than chit-chat that can come across as needy.

Should I delete a contact who blocked me?

There’s no single answer here – deleting a contact who blocked you on WhatsApp depends on your specific situation. Here are some factors to consider:

  • Are you trying to move on from the relationship entirely? Deleting may help provide closure.
  • Do you share close mutual friends or contacts? Keeping their info may be practical.
  • Could the block be temporary if you give them space? May want to keep contact.
  • Do their messages and info bring up painful memories? Deleting could help avoid.
  • Is the block part of a pattern of toxicity/abuse? Deleting sends a message.

In general, don’t rush to delete them in an emotional response. Think through the considerations and implications. A temporary hide from view can accomplish the same if you might reconcile.

Can someone tell if I deleted them after they blocked me?

No, there is no way for someone to know if you deleted them from your contacts after they blocked you on WhatsApp. A few key points:

  • You vanish entirely from their app interface once blocked.
  • They won’t get any notification if you delete their contact.
  • There’s no lingering trace or indicator from their end.
  • Your entire WhatsApp relationship disappears from their view.

Deleting them after being blocked, while cathartic, is ultimately just for your own peace of mind. They have no visibility or insight into whether you removed their contact info from your phone.

If I’m blocked by someone, should I block them back?

Blocking someone back after they’ve blocked you on WhatsApp is an option but not strictly necessary in most cases. Some pros and cons to consider:

Pros Cons
Lets them know you’re upset and want no contact Can seem petty or passive-aggressive
Prevents them from unblocking and messaging you Cuts off any chance of reconciliation
Gives you greater sense of control/closure May cause mutual friends to take sides
Removes temptation to check their profile Assumes negative intent from their block

Ultimately, reciprocating a block is a personal decision. If there was toxicity/abuse, it sets a boundary. But in most cases, leaving the door open may be better for future resolution.

Can someone who blocked me still stalk my WhatsApp status?

No, when you block someone on WhatsApp they are completely unable to see any aspect of your account, including your status updates. Here are some key points about how blocking works:

  • Your status posts will be invisible to blocked contacts.
  • They won’t see read receipts for messages sent before blocking.
  • Typing indicators won’t show for blocked people.
  • Profile photo changes won’t be viewable.
  • All traces of you vanish from their WhatsApp interface.

In essence, the block makes it like your account doesn’t even exist on their version of WhatsApp. So you don’t have to worry about them secretly viewing your status updates after blocking you.

Should I ask friends what someone said about why they blocked me?

It’s understandable to be curious, but avoid aggressively pumping your mutual friends for information on why someone blocked you. Here are some risks of going down that route:

  • Puts your friends in an awkward position
  • Forces them to take sides in the situation
  • You may not get the full context
  • The blocker may view it as harassment
  • Reasons often seem more harsh secondhand

Keep in mind your friends are not obligated to disclose private conversations. If they voluntarily tell you something minor, be appreciative. But recognize the blocker’s wish for distance and respsect it rather than inserting others into the drama.

What should I do about mutual friends if someone blocked me?

Having shared friends who are now in the middle of your blocked situation on WhatsApp can be tricky to navigate. Some Do’s and Don’ts of handling mutuals:

Do Don’t
Be understanding if they feel awkward Act overly pushy/demanding about the details
Appreciate insight if offered Put them in a position to betray confidences
Express regret if you caused offense Try to turn them fully against blocker
Give them space to remain neutral Overshare just to seem like the victim

Preserve your other friendships by not forcing people to take sides. Let things work out over time and focus on being your best self going forward.

Should I keep trying to contact someone who blocked me?

It’s best not to keep trying to contact someone after they have clearly blocked you on WhatsApp – doing so rarely accomplishes anything positive. Here’s why it’s better to avoid continually reaching out:

  • They blocked you intentionally to avoid further contact.
  • Repeated messages may annoy them and reinforce the block.
  • One-sided communication won’t resolve any underlying issues.
  • It can come across as disrespectful of their wishes.
  • You won’t necessarily know if/when they finally unblock.

Give the situation some breathing room instead of badgering them through other channels. If the block was unjustified, they may realize it sooner without harassment from you.

How can I redeem myself if I’ve been blocked?

If being blocked on WhatsApp made you realize you need to make amends, focus first on giving the person space and reflecting on your behavior. When ready, you could attempt reconciliation by:

  • Writing a thoughtful, non-accusatory apology message.
  • Examining and acknowledging your harmful behaviors.
  • Listening carefully if they explain why you were blocked.
  • Suggesting concrete ways to improve communication.
  • Respecting it if the block stays in place.
  • Demonstrating change through your future actions.

A sincere apology and changed attitudes/actions over time are the best ways to recover from a block. Don’t expect instant forgiveness – rebuilding trust requires patience.


Being blocked on WhatsApp can be a painful and confusing experience, but how you respond says a lot about your emotional maturity. Avoid desperate knee-jerk reactions. Give the blocker space, reflect on what went wrong, learn from any mistakes, and focus on other connections. If the relationship is important to you, consistent positive behavior could eventually lead to reconciliation and forgiveness down the road.