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What’s the difference between clearing and deleting a WhatsApp chat?

WhatsApp has become one of the most popular messaging apps, with over 2 billion users worldwide. With so many messages being sent, users often want to clear their chat history or delete specific chats. However, WhatsApp gives you two options for removing chats – clearing or deleting. So what’s the difference, and when should you use each option?

Clearing Chats

When you clear a WhatsApp chat, you are removing the messages from your view in the app. However, the messages are not actually deleted from the WhatsApp server. This means if you clear a chat, and then re-open it later, all of the old messages will reappear. Clearing chats is essentially like archiving them – the information is still there if you need it again later.

Here are some key things to know about clearing WhatsApp chats:

  • Clearing removes messages from your view but does not delete them from WhatsApp’s server
  • When you clear a chat, the messages will reappear if you reopen the chat later
  • You can clear one chat at a time, or all chats at once
  • Media like photos and videos will also reappear when reopening a cleared chat
  • Clearing chats is quick and reversible if you change your mind later

Clearing your chats can be handy for quickly removing old messages from view that are cluttering up your chats. It’s also useful if you just want to remove messages temporarily without actually deleting the conversation history forever.

Deleting Chats

Deleting a WhatsApp chat is more permanent – it erases the chat history from your device and WhatsApp’s servers. Once a chat is deleted, the messages are gone for good unless you have a backup of them elsewhere.

Here are key facts on deleting WhatsApp chats:

  • Deleting chats removes them completely from your device and WhatsApp’s servers
  • Deleted chats cannot be recovered – the messages are erased permanently
  • You can delete one chat at a time, or all chats together
  • Media like photos and videos will also be permanently deleted
  • Deleting is permanent – you cannot retrieve deleted chats later

You may want to delete a chat if you don’t need to keep a conversation’s history anymore. This gives you a clean slate and frees up device storage space previously used for that chat’s media. Unlike clearing, deleting is permanent so only use this option if you’re sure you no longer need the chat.

How to Clear Chats

Clearing WhatsApp chats is easy to do on both iPhone and Android devices. Here are the steps:


  1. Open the WhatsApp app and go to the Chats tab
  2. Swipe left on the chat you want to clear
  3. Tap “Clear” then confirm by tapping “Clear Chat”

To clear all chats:

  1. Go to WhatsApp Settings
  2. Tap Chats > Clear All Chats
  3. Confirm clearing all chats


  1. Open WhatsApp and tap the 3 dot menu icon
  2. Go to Settings > Chats > Clear all chats
  3. Tap the trash icon to confirm clearing all chats

To clear an individual chat:

  1. Open the chat you want to clear
  2. Tap the 3 dot menu icon
  3. Select Clear chat > Clear

And that’s all there is to quickly clearing WhatsApp chats to remove old messages from view!

How to Delete Chats

Like clearing, it’s easy to delete chats on both iPhone and Android. Here are the steps:


  1. Open the chat you want to delete
  2. Tap and hold the chat
  3. Tap “Delete Chat” then confirm deletion

To delete all chats:

  1. Go to WhatsApp Settings
  2. Tap Chats > Clear All Chats
  3. Confirm deleting all chats permanently


  1. Open the chat you want to delete
  2. Tap and hold the chat
  3. Tap the trash icon to confirm deleting the chat

To delete all chats:

  1. Open WhatsApp and tap the 3 dot menu icon
  2. Go to Settings > Chats > Clear all chats
  3. Tap the trash icon again to confirm deleting all chats

And you’re done! Those chats are now permanently deleted from your device and WhatsApp’s servers.

Key Differences

To summarize, here are the key differences between clearing and deleting WhatsApp chats:

Clearing Chats Deleting Chats
Removes messages from view only Permanently erases chat history
Chats reappear when reopened Deleted chats cannot be recovered
Quick and reversible Permanent – cannot undo deletions
Useful for temporarily removing clutter Useful for permanently removing unneeded chats

When to Clear vs Delete Chats

So when should you clear chats versus delete them? Here are some recommendations on when to use each option:

Clear Chats When:

  • You want to temporarily remove clutter but may need the chat history later
  • You want to quickly archive an old chat to clear up your interface
  • You need to make space but don’t want to permanently delete conversations
  • You want a fresh start but may want to reference old messages later

Delete Chats When:

  • You have no need to keep the chat history anymore
  • You want to permanently remove an old or unwanted conversation
  • You need to free up storage space on your device
  • You want to permanently erase chat history for privacy reasons

In summary:

  • Use clear when you want to temporarily archive messages
  • Use delete when you want conversations gone for good

Does Clearing or Deleting Chats Affect The Other Person?

An important question is whether clearing or deleting a chat only affects your side, or if it also removes messages from the other person’s chat.

Here is what happens:

  • Clearing a chat only removes messages from your view of the chat
  • The other person can still see the full message history from their side
  • Deleting a chat removes messages from both sides permanently
  • Neither person will be able to retrieve messages from a deleted chat

So clearing is like a local archive just for you. But deleting erases the chat for both you and the other person. Keep this in mind when choosing between the two options.

Can You Recover Deleted Chats?

Since deleting chats erases them forever, an important question is whether you can recover deleted WhatsApp messages. The answer depends on whether you have a backup:

  • Without a backup, deleted WhatsApp chats cannot be recovered
  • If you have a recent backup, you may be able to restore deleted chats from it
  • WhatsApp backups can be local (iPhone or Android) or Google Drive (Android only)
  • Third-party tools claim to recover deleted WhatsApp chats but often fail to work

So if you rely on old WhatsApp messages, be sure to regularly back up your chats. This will allow you to restore deleted conversations if needed. Otherwise, deleting a chat is permanent, so only delete if you’re 100% sure.

Summary of Clearing vs Deleting Chats

Here’s a quick recap of the key differences:

  • Clearing removes messages from view but does not delete them
  • Deleting erases chats forever and cannot be undone
  • Cleared chats reappear when reopened, deleted chats are gone for good
  • Clearing only affects your view, deleting removes the chat for both parties
  • Deleted chats can only be recovered if you have a backup
  • Use clear to temporarily remove clutter, delete to permanently erase conversations

So in summary:

  • Clear chats to temporarily archive conversations
  • Delete chats to permanently remove messages forever

Knowing the difference between these two options allows you to better manage your WhatsApp chats!

Frequently Asked Questions

Here are answers to some common questions about clearing and deleting WhatsApp chats:

Does clearing WhatsApp chats free up space?

No, clearing chats does not free up device storage space since the messages are still kept on WhatsApp’s servers. You need to delete chats to fully free up space used for that chat history.

Can I selectively clear or delete specific messages?

WhatsApp doesn’t allow clearing or deleting specific messages. You can only clear or delete entire conversations.

Is there a time limit for clearing chats before they are deleted?

No, WhatsApp currently does not automatically delete cleared chat history after any time period. Cleared chats will stay on WhatsApp’s servers indefinitely.

Do media files get deleted when I delete a chat?

Yes, deleting a chat also permanently deletes any photos, videos or other media files exchanged in that conversation.

Can I backup chats before deleting them?

Yes, you can backup chats via iPhone or Android local backup, or Google Drive backup on Android. This will allow you to restore deleted chats if needed.

How can I delete a contact’s chat on WhatsApp?

Open the contact’s chat, tap and hold the name at the top, then tap “Delete chat”. This will permanently erase message history with that contact.

Is there any way to view deleted chats?

No, WhatsApp does not store or retain any data for deleted chats. The only way is if you restore from a backup made before deleting the chats.


Clearing and deleting are two options for removing WhatsApp chats, but they work very differently. Clearing simply archives conversations while deleting erases them forever. When in doubt, first clear chats to remove clutter temporarily. Only use delete when you’re absolutely certain, as deleted chats are gone for good.

Regularly backing up your WhatsApp chats is a good idea before clearing or deleting anything. This ensures you have a safety net in case you ever need to retrieve removed messages. With a backup available, you can confidently clear and delete old chats to keep your WhatsApp experience tidy.

Knowing how to properly use clearing and deletion allows you to effectively manage your WhatsApp message history. Carefully consider which option is right for your situation – clearing for temporary removal or deleting for permanent erasure. And back up important chats before you clear or delete so you always have access to crucial conversations if you ever need them again.