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Whatsapp status at the movies?

Using WhatsApp status at the movies can be convenient but also risky and inconsiderate to others. While it allows you to conveniently update friends and family on your movie plans, leaving your ringer on or frequently checking statuses during a movie disrupts the experience for other audience members. The best approach is to silence your phone, avoid bothering others, and update your status later.

Informing Friends of Your Plans

Updating your WhatsApp status to say you’re headed to the movies is a quick and easy way to let your friends know what you’re up to. It can spur fun conversations and allow friends to connect with you later about the movie. Some examples of movie-related statuses include:

  • “Off to see [name of movie]!”
  • “Getting my popcorn ready for [name of movie].”
  • “Movie time! Anyone else seeing [name of movie] tonight?”

These statuses update friends on your plans in a casual, conversational way. They don’t demand immediate responses or disruptions. After the movie, you can post a status review expressing your thoughts, like “That was awesome!” or “Not what I expected, but still enjoyable.” Your friends can then message you later to discuss the movie.

Staying in Touch During the Movie

While at the theater, the temptation may arise to keep tabs on your WhatsApp notifications. However, repeatedly checking your phone during a movie is distracting to you and other moviegoers. The light from your screen is visible in a darkened theater and pulling out your phone can block someone’s view.

You also don’t want your phone’s ringer or vibrations going off during key moments in the film. This not only interrupts your own experience, but is extremely disruptive and rude to everyone else trying to enjoy the movie.

If you’re waiting for an important message or call, consider stepping out of the theater lobby before the previews start to check your phone. Then be sure to silence it before entering the screening room.

Updating Your Status Later

The best option is to avoid using WhatsApp statuses from the time you enter the theater until after you leave. Posting a status while in your seat is tempting but comes with many downsides:

  • You risk bothering other moviegoers if your phone makes noise.
  • The glare from your screen causes a distraction.
  • Frequent status updates suggest you are focused on social media rather than the movie.

Instead, wait until after the movie ends and you’ve exited the theater to post your review or thoughts on WhatsApp status. This ensures you don’t disrupt the show for others. Friends will still see the update and can connect with you about it later.

If you want to post during the movie, completely switch your phone to silent mode first. Then face the glare from the screen down towards the floor, rather than out towards seated viewers. Keep any status updates brief, infrequent, and considerate of those around you trying to watch the movie.

Etiquette Tips

To use WhatsApp status appropriately and courteously at the movies, keep these etiquette tips in mind:

  • Silence Phone: Switch phone to silent or vibrate before entering the theater.
  • No Ringers: Ensure all auditory distractions – ringers, alerts, keyboard clicks – are muted.
  • Concise Statuses: If posting during movie, keep statuses short, subtle and infrequent.
  • Downward lighting: Angle phone screen down towards floor to avoid glaring light.
  • Update After: Post your review status only after exiting theater.
  • Location Off: Disable GPS location tagging if posting from theater.
  • Avoid Distractions: Focus on enjoying the movie rather than frequent phone use.

Using these tips to post WhatsApp statuses discretely and non-disruptively demonstrates respect for your fellow audience members. You can stay updated on WhatsApp while also prioritizing the moviegoing experience for everyone.

Location Settings

WhatsApp has a location feature that tags your exact GPS coordinates on statuses and messages. Some helpful settings related to this include:

  • Disabling location tagging – Prevents your location from displaying on statuses posted from the theater.
  • Turning off auto-download – Stops your phone from automatically downloading statuses with locations tagged.
  • Using blur location – For additional privacy, you can blur your location so it displays only a general city-level area rather than precise coordinates.

Tweaking these settings prevents distracting location notifications during a movie and also increases privacy if you prefer not to broadcast your exact whereabouts. You can find them in WhatsApp Settings > Account > Privacy.

Theater Policies

Many theaters have official policies regarding phone use during movies. Review any posted rules before whipping out your phone mid-movie. Policies may include:

  • No phone conversations or call taking allowed.
  • Phones must be switched to silent mode.
  • No photography or recording permitted.
  • No phone use during the feature presentation.

These rules are intended to preserve the moviegoing experience for all patrons. Follow them to avoid irritation from staff and other viewers. In some regions, phone use in theaters is banned by law with fines imposed for violations.


There are certain exceptions where using WhatsApp status during a movie may be more appropriate:

  • Private screenings – If it’s just you and friends in the theater, statuses are less disruptive.
  • Pre-show ads – Updating status before the trailers and feature is more acceptable.
  • Urgent messages – Responding to time-sensitive texts may be necessary on occasion.
  • Kids’ films – More leeway exists at noisy family or cartoon showings.
  • Theater breakdowns – Tech issues and delays warrant status updates to friends awaiting your arrival.

In circumstances like these, brief, occasional phone use to post WhatsApp updates may not disturb others much. But in general theaters, silence devices and avoid distracting illumination, noises, and frequent handling.

Consideration for Others

When using WhatsApp status at the movies, being inconsiderate of fellow audience members can ruin the experience for many. A dark theater filled with hundreds of people trying to immerse themselves in a story is not the place for loud phones,bright screens, and rampant social media use.

By following proper phone etiquette – keeping devices silent, avoiding visual distractions, and limiting status updates – you can enjoy both the movie and WhatsApp without negatively impacting other patrons. Remember, posting your review status after exiting the theater shows consideration for others trying to share in the cinematic experience with you.