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Whatsapp status for my son birthday funny?

Looking for funny WhatsApp status ideas to wish your son a happy birthday? Using humor and comedy in your birthday message can be a great way to celebrate and make the day more lighthearted. A funny status allows you to show your love while also making your son and others laugh. Here are some funny WhatsApp status ideas for wishing your son a happy birthday.

Make Jokes About His Age

One of the most common types of funny birthday messages involve joking about the birthday boy’s age. You can tease him about getting older or act dramatically about how quickly he is growing up. Some examples include:

  • “I can’t believe my baby boy is another year older! Where did the time go?”
  • “Today you become a man. Well not really, you still have to ask before borrowing my car.”
  • “Happy birthday to my not-so-little boy! I love you even if you are getting too old.”
  • “You look great for your age! Not a single gray hair…yet.”

Making lighthearted jokes about his age lets you acknowledge his birthday while also keeping things upbeat. Just avoid saying anything that could be hurtful or make him feel self-conscious.

Poke Fun at His Interests or Habits

Another source of humor can be gently teasing your son about his hobbies, interests, clothing choices, habits, etc. Tailor your jokes to his unique personality for a status update that will make him chuckle.

For example:

  • “Wishing a rockin’ birthday to my son who loves rock music, even the weird stuff I don’t understand!”
  • “Happy birthday to my amazing son who definitely did not get his sense of fashion from me.”
  • “Hope your birthday is awesome and full of fun, just like you! But not too much fun…be responsible please.”

Show that you know him well by referencing the things he loves. But do it with love, not mockery.

Tell Embarrassing Stories from His Childhood

What parent doesn’t love telling embarrassing tales about their kids? Use your WhatsApp status to share a funny anecdote from his childhood that will make him blush but also laugh. For example:

  • “Happy birthday to the boy who once got his head stuck between stair railings. May all your adventures today be safer!”
  • “Happy birthday to my son who used to run around with no clothes on. At least now you only do that at home.”
  • “Wishing a fabulous birthday to the boy who once peed his pants laughing. Love you always!”

Reminiscing on silly memories is a playful way to say happy birthday. Just don’t overshare anything too private!

Make Up Goofy Nicknames

What funny and affectionate nicknames do you have for your son? His birthday is the perfect excuse to use them in your status update. Get creative with silly names like:

  • “Wishing a rad birthday to my skater dude! Love you, Shreddy Spaghetti!”
  • “Happy birthday to the silliest guy around. Have a great day, Giggles!”
  • “Party hard today, Monkey Butt. Happy birthday to my crazy kid!”

Using special nicknames shows your love while also keeping things lighthearted.

Post Funny Photos

They say a picture is worth a thousand words. Along with a clever caption, posting an embarrassing or funny photo of your birthday boy can make for a very amusing status update. Choose old childhood pics or recent photos of him being silly. Some ideas:

  • Baby photos of him naked or doing something messy
  • Him making a ridiculous face/pose
  • Costume party pictures
  • School photos with bad haircuts

Just respect his privacy and don’t share anything too personal without his permission!

Make Up Wild Stories or Predictions

Exaggerate or make up outrageous stories, predictions, or scenarios about the birthday boy’s special day for a status that’s bound to crack him up. Get as creative as you want, like:

  • “Today my son becomes the Supreme Ruler of the World! Happy birthday your highness.”
  • “They say whatever you do on your birthday you’ll do for the rest of the year. Uh oh, better cancel your skydiving plans!”
  • “This year he gains the ability to fly and shoot lasers from his eyes. Happy birthday Superboy!”

The sillier and more over-the-top, the funnier. Just don’t say anything hurtful or in poor taste.

Find Funny GIFs or Memes

Posting a funny GIF or meme is another way to add humor to your birthday status update. Search for GIFs using keywords like “happy birthday funny” or look for memes that fit your son’s personality. You can make the visuals even more personalized by adding text like:

  • [GIF of minions singing and dancing] “Hoping this is you today at your birthday party!”
  • [GIF of dog jumping into box] “Me waiting to see if I get cake too”
  • [Success Kid meme] “Birthday Boy Mastered Potty Training: Age 2”

Song Lyrics or Pop Culture References

Change up the lyrics to a popular song or quote lines from a favorite movie or TV show for a pop culture reference he’ll appreciate. For example:

  • “It’s your birthday, I can play Legos if I want to, play Legos if I want to. You would build too if it happened to youuuu.”
  • “My precious! Wishing a happy birthday to my son who’s even more precioussss.”
  • “‘It’s your birthday. We don’t have to go to school today.’ – Ferris Bueller”

Tailor your references to shows, music, movies, games, books etc. that you know he loves.

Birthday Puns

Cheesy wordplay and puns are a staple of any funny birthday message. Have fun with language using puns like:

  • “You’re one in a melon.”
  • “Hope your birthday is egg-cellent!”
  • “I’m not even joshing around when I say happy birthday!”
  • “This birthday’s gonna be legen-dairy.”

Browse pun websites or get creative with your own wordplay for a silly status.

Funny Birthday Wishes

Don’t overthink it – a simple funny greeting can also work great. Some ideas:

  • “Happy birthday to my favorite child! Oh wait…”
  • “I would’ve gotten you a nicer gift but I spent all my money on the pony I got myself.”
  • “Hope you have a birthday that’s as special as you are. Do magical birthday unicorns count?”

Keep it short, sweet, and full of good humor.

Inside Jokes

Make your message unique by referencing inside jokes you share with the birthday boy. Remind him of that funny thing that happened when you went on a trip together or the time you laughed so hard you cried. Shared history and your bond will add lots of love.

Say “Happy Birthday” in a Silly Voice

Record yourself saying “Happy Birthday” in a ridiculous, funny voice and post the audio clip. Some ideas:

  • Squeaky, high-pitched chipmunk voice
  • Exaggerated cowboy drawl
  • Silly accent like pirate, vampire, robot etc.
  • Sing it operatically as an aria

Make your loved one crack up by putting on a goofy persona to wish him the happiest of birthdays.

Creatively Alter “Happy Birthday”

The traditional “Happy Birthday” song is always a crowd-pleaser. Add a silly spin by changing the lyrics to make them funny and personalized, like:

  • “Happy happy birthday, from your family to you, we think you’re awesome and cool, our son who’s turning 22!”
  • “For he’s a jolly good fellow, for he’s a jolly good fellow, for he’s a jolly good felllllow, that nobody can deny!”

Get creative while keeping the tune! Your musical status is sure to be a hit.

Joke About Partying Too Hard

Teenagers and young adults always love some good-humored teasing about getting crazy on their birthday. Just keep it light, not promoting anything dangerous or illegal. Some ideas:

  • “Happy 21st birthday! Enjoy your first LEGAL drinks! Jk have fun but be safe!”
  • “Hope your birthday beats go on past midnight! But not too far past, grandma’s picking you up at 2am”
  • “Get ready for a birthday you’ll never remember! But will probably regret. Kidding! (Mostly)”

Poke fun at his partying while also giving subtle (or not so subtle) messages about responsibility and safety.

Corny Jokes and One-Liners

Got some super cheesy jokes up your sleeve? Your son’s birthday status is the perfect place to use them, like:

  • “Happy birthday! Don’t get too drunk tonight or you’ll feel BIRTHDAY HUNGOVER! Hahaha, get it?”
  • “What did one candle say to the other? I’m going out tonight! Hehe, happy birthday!”
  • “How do you gift-wrap a giraffe? You need a lot of BIRTHDAY PAPER! Bahahaha!”

The cornier the better! So break out your arsenal of terrible puns and one-liners.

Exaggerate Your Sadness at Him Growing Up

Play up your sadness at your baby boy getting older for maximum hilarity. Some dramatic ideas:

  • “Wiping away tears as I wish my sweet little boy a happy birthday. They grow up so fast :”'(“
  • “I remember bringing you home from the hospital like it was yesterday! Why are you already 16???”
  • “I can’t believe you’re old enough to drive. Be careful on the roads! My heart can’t take this.”

Pretending to be distraught at his maturing will give everyone a good chuckle.

Wish Him Luck With Romance

Does your son have a crush or significant other? Have a little fun teasing him about it for his birthday. Just don’t embarrass him too much!

  • “Happy birthday to my charming boy! Good luck with [Crush’s Name] this year!”
  • “Wishing a spectacular birthday to my favorite son-in-law to be!”
  • “May all your birthday wishes involving [Partner’s Name] come true!”

Keep it tasteful and avoid anything inappropriate.

Pretend to Misunderstand Slang

Feign ignorance by using modern slang incorrectly for some generation gap humor he’ll get a kick out of:

  • “Have a yeet day today! Get that bread and secure the bag! Lit fam.”
  • “You’re the GOAT! The hype beast! Happy bday bestie!”
  • “Hope your birthday is straight fire! Get crunk and hit those dabs bruh!”

Butchering today’s lingo is always comedy gold.

In Conclusion

Making your son laugh on his special day with a funny WhatsApp status is a great way to celebrate him. Tailor your jokes and humor to his personality and interests for maximum impact. Just remember to keep things tasteful and avoid anything hurtful or embarrassing. Most importantly, let your love shine through above all else. With these ideas, you’re sure to come up with the perfect funny status update to make his birthday extra happy.