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Whatsapp status to make him text you?

If you want a guy to text you after seeing your WhatsApp status, try using statuses that spark his curiosity, make him laugh, or remind him of a special memory. Subtle flirtation and inside jokes work well. Avoid anything too serious or negative. Focus on lighthearted, fun statuses that make him want to reach out.

Use Inside Jokes or References

Posting an inside joke you both share is a great way to catch his attention and make him text you. For example, if you both love a certain TV show, quote a funny line from it. Or if you have a running joke about something silly, incorporate that into your status.

You could also reference an inside experience or memory the two of you had together. For instance, “Craving more adventures at the beach” if you went to the beach together. Little reminders like this make him think of you and the fun times you had.

Be Playful and Flirtatious

Status updates with a touch of playful flirtation can definitely prompt him to text you. You want to be flirty but not overtly sexual. For example, “The best things in life are free…and so am I this weekend ;)” shows you are available while keeping things light.

Song lyrics with a romantic or fun vibe work too, like “Want you to want me” or “You make my dreams come true.” Pick lyrics he will recognize and that convey interest without being too serious.

Post Funny Quotes or Jokes

Funny and witty statuses never fail to get attention. Find a funny meme, pun, or one-liner and make it your status. Humor makes you seem easygoing and approachable. It gives him an opening to text you about whatever funny thing you posted.

You can also go for quotes from TV shows, movies, or standup comedy routines you both enjoy. Share a hilarious quote and he’ll likely text to laugh about it together or discuss that show/movie.

Ask Questions

Pose an interesting question in your status to spark his curiosity and get him texting you. Make sure it’s something he’ll have an opinion on, but keep it light – not political or controversial. For example, “Who makes the absolute best pizza?” or “What’s the best love song ever written?”

This gives him an easy opening to give his answer via text and continue the conversation from there. You can then text back agreeing, disagreeing, or expanding on his response.

Be Mysterious or Cryptic

Statuses that seem mysterious or cryptic can really catch his attention and prompt him to text asking what you mean. Just don’t be too obscure. For example, “Today is going to be interesting…” or “Well this is new and unexpected…” give him just enough to make him curious.

You can also post song lyrics that have an intriguing or mysterious vibe without giving away too much. This leaves him wanting to know more and text you to find out what you’re up to.

Reference a Recent Conversation

If you talked about weekend plans, a work project, or any other topic recently, make a status update referencing or related to that conversation. For example, “Getting excited for this weekend!” or “Finally finished that big work project!”

Seeing something about a conversation you just had will bring it back up in his mind and give him a reason to text you and follow up on those plans or the project outcome.

Be Positive and Upbeat

In general, positive statuses tend to get more responses than negative ones. Posting about something good in your life, like a fun activity or a mood-boosting song, is more likely to get a text than venting or complaining.

Statuses focused on upbeat things – travel plans, parties, time with friends – make you seem approachable and fun to be around. He’ll want to text you to join in the good vibes.

Compliment or Appreciate Him

If you want to be more direct, post something complimenting or appreciating him. For example, “So thankful for people who make me smile every day” or “You just can’t help but feel happy around some people.” This shows him you’re thinking of him.

You can also post song lyrics about having a crush or being into someone. This demonstrates interest without outright saying you like him. Just avoid anything too sappy.

Post Interesting Photos or Videos

Your status doesn’t have to be text only. Photos and videos catch people’s attention too. Post a selfie of you looking great doing something fun. Or a video of you trying something crazy or hilarious.

This gives him something eye-catching to respond to. He’ll likely text saying you look nice or asking about what you’re doing in the photo/video.

Avoid Anything Too Serious, Negative, or Cryptic

Don’t post vague, brooding statuses like “You never know what someone is going through” or “I guess I just wasn’t good enough.” These may make him worried or feel awkward instead of texting you.

Similarly, avoid negative posts that seem like indirect jabs at him or venting about problems. This can push him away instead of drawing him in.

And don’t post anything too serious about the relationship either, like love songs with lyrics like “I’ve never felt this way before.” This could scare him off.

Respond and Keep the Conversation Going

Once he does text you after seeing your status, be responsive! Reply in a timely manner to keep the conversation flowing naturally.

Answer any questions he asks about your status post. Expand on the topic or transition into making weekend plans if you referenced something fun coming up.

If he just comments generally like “lol” or “nice,” reply by asking how his day is going or something else to move the conversation forward and engage him further.

Timing Matters Too

When you update your status can make a difference in whether he notices and responds. Post at a time when he is likely active on WhatsApp and has a chance to see it immediately.

Early evening or weekend days when people are more relaxed tend to be good options. Avoid posting something meant for him at 2am when he’s probably asleep.

You can also update your status multiple times in a short period so it stays at the top of his feed and is impossible to miss.

Change Your Status Often to Stay on His Mind

Don’t just post a status once and wait for him to text. Switch up your status regularly so you stay on his radar. Make it part of your daily routine to update it with something new.

Frequently changing your status increases the chances he’ll see one that catches his interest. It shows you put thought into your online presence instead of setting it and forgetting it.

Don’t Overthink It Too Much

While statuses can spark conversation, don’t stress too much or read into it if he doesn’t text. He may just have missed it or be busy. Resist obsessively checking to see if he viewed your status.

Keep things casual – statuses are just a fun bonus, not the only way to connect with someone. Focus more on real life interactions. Good morning/night texts also work if you want to chat more frequently.

Use Statuses to Enhance Existing Connections

Posting statuses he’ll want to respond to is most effective when you already have a foundation. If he doesn’t know you very well, your status alone won’t create new conversation.

When used to maintain and build on an existing connection, statuses can be a great way to stay in touch and keep him thinking about you between in-person meetups or calls.

Ask Mutual Friends What He Likes

If you need help coming up with status ideas tailored to his interests, subtly ask mutual friends for tips. They can give insight into the TV shows he loves, funny things that crack him up, or what piques his curiosity.

Just don’t make it obvious you’re trying to get his attention – ask in a casual, curious way. The inside intel can give you great inspiration for statuses he’ll really respond to.

See What Statuses He Responds To from Others

Pay attention to what kinds of statuses from other people, mutual friends or celebrities tend to prompt him to comment or text them. This can indicate the types of things he finds funny, interesting, or worth engaging with.

If he always comments on movie quotes for example, posting a movie quote yourself is a safe bet. See what grabs his attention organically and incorporate that into your own status updates.

Gauge His Interest Level First

Before posting statuses to get his attention, think about his level of interest in you. If he’s already flirting with you in person or texting frequently, go for it!

But if he seems lukewarm so far, hold off for now. Work on connecting more in real life first, then use statuses to supplement that later once you know he’s interested.

Don’t Make It Too Obvious

While your statuses can certainly be flirty and fun, don’t go overboard trying to grab his attention. Keep things subtle and intriguing rather than too obvious.

If every status seems like a ploy to get him to text you, it can look a little desperate instead of cool and casual. Mix in some regular life update statuses too.

Have Fun and Be Creative

Most importantly, put thought into statuses you actually enjoy posting – don’t stress or force it. Part of what makes statuses work is when they authentically reflect your personality and humor.

Get creative, test out different types of engaging statuses, and see what sticks. When you’re having fun with it, the right status will catch his eye at the right time.