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Whatsapp status to make himtext you?

Getting the attention of that special guy and making him want to text you first can be tricky. However, with some clever ideas for your WhatsApp status, you can grab his interest and get him messaging you. The key is to be creative, intriguing, positive, and most importantly, authentic. Play it smart, avoid being overly obvious or desperate, and focus on putting your best self out there.

Use Positive and Uplifting Quotes

Posting inspirational quotes as your status is a great way to showcase your upbeat personality. Choose quotes about happiness, confidence, ambition, self-love, or chasing dreams. This shows him you have a great attitude about life. Quotes about patience and resilience indicate emotional maturity too. He’ll find your positive perspective very attractive.

Stay away from using sad or depressing quotes though. You want to keep things light and draw him in, not bum him out. Keep it cheerful! Some examples of great quotes to use:

  • “Happiness is letting go of what you think your life is supposed to look like and celebrating it for everything that it is.”
  • “She was beautiful, but not like those girls in the magazines. She was beautiful, for the way she thought. She was beautiful, for that sparkle in her eyes when she talked about something she loved.”
  • “You have to expect things of yourself before you can do them.”
  • “Work hard in silence, let success make the noise.”

Post Funny or Witty Sayings

Humor and wit are very attractive qualities. Posting amusing quotes, puns, or clever sayings as your status lets a guy know you have a playful, interesting personality. Self-deprecating humor can work well also, as long as you don’t get too self-critical.

Keep the tone light-hearted though, and don’t use sarcasm or negativity. You want to entice him, not turn him off. Make him smile or chuckle with things like:

  • “I’m reading a book on anti-gravity. It’s impossible to put down!”
  • “Don’t spell part backwards. It’s a trap.”
  • “I’m not clumsy, the floor just hates me.”
  • “You know it’s going to be a bad day when your car goes ‘beep beep’ instead of ‘vroom vroom’.”

Share Song Lyrics

Music is very personal, and sharing lyrics as your status allows you to express emotions and ideas. Choose lyrics that he’ll find intriguing or that will spark good conversations.

Pick lyrics about having fun, enjoying life, following dreams, etc. Avoid negative or angry song lyrics. Make sure the lyrics aren’t too obscure either – he should at least recognize the song.

Keep the lyrics short as well, one or two lines max. You want to grab his interest, not bombard him. Some examples:

  • “Life is a flower of which love is the honey.” – Victor Hugo
  • “We could just go home right now, or maybe we could stick around, for just one more drink.” – Get Lucky, Daft Punk
  • “She’s got a smile that it seems to me, reminds me of childhood memories.” – Sweet Caroline, Neil Diamond

Ask Thought-Provoking Questions

Posting an interesting question or scenario is a great way to inspire conversation. Come up with creative questions that provide insight into your personality and interests. Stay away from yes/no type questions.

Keep it fun and light-hearted. You want to intrigue him, not start heavy debates. Make sure it’s something he’ll want to answer and discuss further. Some possibilities:

  • “What’s your favorite adventure so far?”
  • “If you could live in any fictional world, where would it be?”
  • “What skill would you love to master?”
  • “What’s on your bucket list this year?”

Share Your Hobbies and Interests

Let him get to know the real you by sharing your hobbies and passions. Post about your favorite sports team winning, checking out a cool new restaurant, or progress learning a language. Show him you have diverse interests and lead an active lifestyle.

Drop hints about fun date ideas also – a new hiking trail you want to try, concert coming to town, art exhibit opening. See if he suggests getting together to do one of those activities. Some examples:

  • “Loving this new salsa dancing class!”
  • “Watched an awesome documentary about marine life.”
  • “Checked out the new burger place last night. So worth the wait!”
  • “Excited about the big game this weekend. Go team!”

Post Attractive Selfies and Photos

Pictures can say a thousand words, so take advantage! Post cute selfies and photos showing your best features and radiant personality. Get him noticing you and make him want to see more.

Stay classy though – lingerie shots or anything too risqué will likely turn him off. Keep it elegant. Some tips:

  • Wear a pop of color or print that flatters you.
  • Frame the photo from your waist up to highlight your face.
  • Have good lighting. Natural sunlight is best.
  • Give a warm, approachable smile. No duck lips or exaggerated poses.
  • Show just a peek of skin with a tank or low cut top.
  • Make eye contact with the camera to create connection.
  • Display your curves, but leave some things to the imagination.

Post About Fun Outings with Friends

Photos of you laughing and enjoying time with friends shows you have an active social life. Guys find a girl with a vibrant friend group very attractive. Just don’t post so many friend pics that he gets confused about which one is you!

Group shots at parties, restaurants, events, etc let him picture himself out with you having fun. He’ll start wanting to be part of your exciting world. Some tips:

  • Photos taken outdoors tend to look more lively.
  • Choose to feature more women than guys in the shot.
  • Make sure everyone looks happy and approachable.
  • Give genuine smiles instead of staged “photo smiles”.
  • Lean your body in towards the center of the group.
  • Link your arms around each other’s shoulders or waists.

Be Mysterious and Cryptic

Posting an ambiguous or cryptic quote or statement can really grab his attention. Leave him wondering what you mean and wanting to know more. Just don’t be so vague that you come across random or odd.

Give him a glimpse into your deeper thoughts and feelings, but leave some mystery there to unravel. Make him intrigued to peel back those layers himself. Some examples:

  • “Sometimes you have to veer off the path to find your way.”
  • “Not all storms come to disrupt your life, some come to clear your path.”
  • “You think you know me, but you have no idea.”
  • “If you love something, set it free.”

Share Achievements and Milestones

Posting about your wins and accomplishments is a great way for him to see your success and ambition. Don’t be arrogant, but highlighting achievements subtly displays your work ethic and passions.

Stay positive if sharing disappointing moments or setbacks too. Focus on resilience and hope rather than dwelling on the negative parts. Some examples:

  • “So thrilled to have finished my first 5K race!”
  • “Can’t believe one year of grad school is already done. Halfway there!”
  • “Didn’t get the promotion I wanted, but I know something better is waiting for me!”
  • “Celebrating 3 years at my job. Feeling so grateful.”

Compliment or Flirt Subtly

Posting a sweet or slightly flirty quote is a nice way to express interest without being too overt. Keep it classy and light-hearted though. You want to intrigue not overwhelm him after all.

Respond positively if he engages with or comments on your post. But avoid getting overly eager or enthusiastic. Make him work a bit for your attention. Some subtle options:

  • “Some days I really impress myself.”
  • “Feeling cute, might flirt later.”
  • “Looking for someone who can handle my sass.”
  • “I’m a slow walker, but I never walk backwards.” – Abraham Lincoln

Final Tips

The most important tip is to keep it classy. Do not post anything too suggestive, inappropriate, or controversial. Stay away from vaguebooking, subliminal messages, or passive aggressive posts.

Mix it up to showcase all facets of your personality – funny, smart, adventurous, philosophical, etc. Get creative and highlight your passions, wisdom, interests, accomplishments, goals, and uniqueness.

Keep the tone light and positive. Cynicism, sadness, anger and negativity are big turn offs. Radiate joy, kindness, confidence, resilience, ambition, and grace.

Avoid posting anything too private, controversial, or political. Don’t overshare or post a dozen selfies in a row. Space out your updates.

Most importantly, be yourself! Let your inner light shine through. The right guy will be drawn to your authentic amazing self.