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Where are copied messages from WhatsApp stored?

When you copy a message on WhatsApp, where does it go? The copied message is stored temporarily on your device’s clipboard so you can paste it somewhere else. The clipboard is a feature that allows you to copy and paste text or files between apps and locations on a device.

What is the Clipboard?

The clipboard is a temporary storage area used for short-term data transfer between documents or applications. When you copy text, images, files, etc. on your device, it gets stored on the clipboard. From there, you can paste the copied content in another location.

The clipboard acts as a buffer, holding the last information that was cut or copied. When new information is copied, it overwrites what was previously stored there.

On smartphones and tablets, the clipboard is system-wide, allowing you to copy content from one app and paste it into another seamlessly. For example, you could copy text from a website in your browser and paste it into a note or message.

How Does Copying Text in WhatsApp Work?

When you copy a WhatsApp message, contact name, or any other text from the app, it gets copied to your device’s clipboard. You can then paste that text into the WhatsApp text field or any other app that allows text input.

Here is what happens when you copy text in WhatsApp on Android:

  1. You select the message or text you want to copy.
  2. You tap the copy icon or “Copy” option.
  3. The selected text gets copied to your Android clipboard, replacing anything already stored there.
  4. In the clipboard, the copied text data is flagged as originating from WhatsApp.

On iOS, the process is similar:

  1. You select the text and tap “Copy” to copy it.
  2. The text gets added to the iOS clipboard, which can store multiple recent copy items.
  3. When pasting into an app, you can tap and hold to select the WhatsApp copy item.

Where is the Clipboard Located?

The clipboard is a part of the operating system and is not tied to any particular app. On Android devices, the clipboard is system-wide and any app can access text stored there.

iOS also has a system-wide clipboard that can be accessed by all apps. Additionally, each app typically has its own temporary clipboard that allows you to copy and paste within that app.

In both Android and iOS, the clipboard is stored in the device’s RAM and will be cleared when you turn off the device. Any copied text will no longer be available on the clipboard after a restart.

Can WhatsApp Access the Clipboard?

Yes, like all apps on your device, WhatsApp can read or access text stored on the clipboard at any time.

In 2020, it was discovered that the WhatsApp app on iOS was constantly reading the system-wide clipboard every few seconds. This sparked privacy concerns as users were unaware this was happening in the background.

WhatsApp claimed this behavior was an anti-spam measure to detect when users copied and pasted the same message multiple times. They said any clipboard data was not transmitted to their servers.

After the privacy concerns, WhatsApp removed the constant clipboard monitoring behavior in a software update. Now the app only accesses the clipboard data when the user gives it explicit permission via a paste operation.

Where Else Could Copied Messages be Stored?

In addition to the clipboard, copied WhatsApp messages could be stored in a few other places on your device:

  • WhatsApp media folder – If you copy a photo or video from WhatsApp, it may get saved to your device’s internal storage in the WhatsApp/Media folder.
  • WhatsApp backups – Your chat history, including copied messages, is included in local and Google Drive backups. These remain on your device or cloud storage even when you delete chats.
  • External apps – If you paste copied text into a notes app or text editor, it will be stored there. The message remains in those apps until you delete it.

When is Clipboard Content Cleared?

Any text, images, or files stored on the clipboard are temporary. Here are some cases when the clipboard gets cleared:

  • Turning your device off and back on again clears the clipboard.
  • Restarting your device or closing all apps erases the clipboard.
  • Copying new content overwrites anything already on the clipboard.
  • Some apps clear the clipboard after a certain time period, e.g. 1 minute.
  • A system update or restoring your device can wipe the clipboard.

So if you copy a WhatsApp message, you only have a limited time to paste it somewhere before it gets erased from the clipboard. The temporary nature of the clipboard means messages copied from WhatsApp are not stored there permanently.

Is the Clipboard Secure?

The clipboard generally does not provide strong security protections for copied data.

On iOS, apps do not have direct access to data stored in other apps’ private clipboards. However, any text copied to the system-wide clipboard can be read by any app.

Android apps can freely access text copied to the universal clipboard. The copied data is not encrypted or secured.

As a result, any sensitive information you copy on your device could be visible to other apps. It’s best to avoid copying passwords, credit card numbers, or other private data.

Can You View Clipboard Content?

iOS and Android provide ways for you to view your clipboard content and manage clipboard permissions for apps.

On iPhone and iPad, go to Settings > General > Keyboard to see recently copied items. You can tap an item to copy it again.

In Android 9 and above, go to Settings > System > Clipboard to view and manage your copy history. You can pin important items so they are not cleared automatically.

Third-party clipboard manager apps are also available that make it easier to view, edit, clear, and protect clipboard content.

Should You Be Concerned About Clipboard Snooping?

In light of privacy concerns, you may worry about apps secretly reading your clipboard. However, the main security risks are:

  • Someone with physical access to your device could view and misuse clipboard data.
  • Malware apps could copy clipboard text and transmit it online.
  • Legitimate apps may collect clipboard text to improve features or advertising targeting.

General precautions you can take include:

  • Don’t copy sensitive personal information unnecessarily.
  • Clear your clipboard frequently by copying innocuous text.
  • Limit clipboard access for apps in app permissions.
  • Keep your device locked when not in use.
  • Use a clipboard manager app to encrypt clipboard contents.


In summary, copied WhatsApp messages and text are stored temporarily on your device’s clipboard when you copy them.

The clipboard acts as a short-term data buffer between apps. Its contents are erased when new information is copied there or your device restarts.

While the clipboard is not encrypted or secured, the ephemeral nature of copied text limits privacy concerns. Avoid copying sensitive personal data and be cautious about which apps can access your clipboard.