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Where is more options on WhatsApp?

WhatsApp is one of the most popular messaging apps in the world, with over 2 billion users. It allows people to easily connect with friends, family, coworkers, and more through end-to-end encrypted messages, calls, photos, videos, documents, and more. While WhatsApp already comes packed with a variety of helpful features, there are always opportunities for improvement. One common request from users is for more options and customization within the app. In this article, we will explore where WhatsApp could add more options and settings to enhance the user experience.

More Options in Chats

Within chats, there are a few key areas where WhatsApp could introduce more options to allow users to customize their messaging experience.

Customizing Chat Wallpapers

Currently, users can set a default wallpaper to be displayed behind all of their chats. It would be helpful if users could customize wallpapers for individual chats. This would allow personalization of important chats, like those with close friends or family members. Users could even create custom wallpapers using photos on their camera roll.

WhatsApp could take the customization a step further by allowing animated wallpapers or short video loops to be used as backdrops. This would keep the chat wallpaper feeling fresh and personalized.

More Options for Chat Bubbles

The chat bubbles in WhatsApp are fairly basic right now. An easy way to add more visual customization would be giving users more options for chat bubbles, like:

– Color of bubbles
– Shape/style of bubbles
– Font choice
– Color of font

This would let users customize chats to match their preferences. Friends or family chats could have fun, bold bubbles, while work chats remain more professional.

Custom Profiles for Contacts

In each chat window, users see a banner with the contact’s name, profile photo, and status. It would be useful if users could create customizable profiles for each contact. This could include:

– Custom name for the contact
– Unique profile photo for that chat
– Custom colors to match their wallpaper
– Pinned important messages like birthdays

This would make each chat feel more personal. Important contacts like close family could have more details and customization.

More Media Customization

WhatsApp allows users to send photos, videos, GIFs, documents, and more. There is room for improvement when it comes to customizing and managing media within chats.

Filters and Editing for Photos

After taking a photo directly in WhatsApp camera, users should have the option to edit photos before sending. Basic editing tools like filters, cropping, text, and stickers would give users more control over photos sent in chats.

Creating and Sending GIFs

While WhatsApp has a GIF library, there is no option to create your own GIFs directly in the app. Adding GIF creation tools would allow users to transform photos and videos into customized GIFs to share in chats.

Organizing Media in Chats

Currently, photos and videos shared in chats get mixed chronologically with messages. It would be helpful if WhatsApp allowed users to organize media into albums or galleries within chats. This keeps photos and videos more organized, especially in active group chats.

More Options for Groups

WhatsApp groups are a popular way to stay in touch with multiple people at once. More customization options would improve the group experience.

Group Roles

WhatsApp should introduce group roles, so certain members can be made admins or moderators. Group admins would have the ability to:

– Add/remove participants
– Customize group settings
– Moderate discussions

Moderators could help by managing messages and members while not having full admin powers. This would alleviate pressure on a single admin.

Group Profiles

In addition to user profiles, letting groups have their own profiles would be beneficial. The group profile could contain:

– Group name
– Group photo
– Group description
– Pinned important messages like rules

This would help distinguish different groups and introduce newcomers to the purpose of the group.

Advanced Media Sharing

Specialized tools tailored for group media sharing would improve the experience:

– Shared group albums for photos & videos
– Making polls or quizzes for the group
– Announcements that notify all members

These features would facilitate engaging group interactions.

Improved User Settings

While WhatsApp already has a robust set of settings, additional user preferences could enhance customization and control.

Notification Settings Per Chat

Granular notification settings for calls, messages, and media on a per-chat basis would be very useful. This allows silencing unimportant chats while prioritizing notifications from VIP contacts.

Advanced Privacy Controls

More advanced privacy options could include:

– Setting chats to auto-delete after a duration
– Preventing screenshots in sensitive chats
– Increased control over who can see profile photo and status

This would give users more confidence in keeping private conversations secure.

Linked Devices Management

As WhatsApp expands multi-device functionality, improved controls for linking devices are needed. This includes:

– Naming/customizing devices
– Reviewing activity on linked devices
– Selectively disconnecting linked devices

This would enable monitoring security across connected devices.

Category Potential New Options
Chats Custom wallpapers, bubble styles, contact profiles
Media Editing tools, GIF creator, media organization
Groups Admin roles, group profiles, polls
Settings Granular notifications, enhanced privacy, device management


While WhatsApp already provides a versatile messaging experience, introducing more options and customization in key areas would allow users to tailor chats to their needs. More conversational controls, improved media tools, customizable group features, and expanded settings would give users the flexibility to personalize their WhatsApp experience. With over 2 billion users worldwide, enhancing the product through additional options can increase user satisfaction and stickiness. However, WhatsApp will need to strike the right balance between providing more choices and maintaining simplicity in the app interface. Overall, increased options would be a welcome improvement if implemented thoughtfully.