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Who sees replies to whatsapp status?

When you reply to someone’s WhatsApp status, only you and the person who posted the status can see the reply by default. Other contacts will not be able to view the reply unless you change your privacy settings.

How replying to a WhatsApp status works

On WhatsApp, you can view status updates posted by your contacts and reply to them. When you reply to a status, the person who posted it will get a notification of your reply.

The reply will show up in the chat window between you and that contact. They can view the reply by opening that chat.

By default, the reply is end-to-end encrypted and is not visible to anyone else besides you and the recipient. Other WhatsApp contacts cannot see the reply even if they can view the original status update.

Changing privacy settings for status replies

While status replies are private by default, WhatsApp does give you the option to change who can see your replies.

To do this:

  1. Open WhatsApp and go to Settings.
  2. Tap Account > Privacy.
  3. Tap Status.
  4. Choose who can see your status replies:
    • My Contacts – Your replies will be visible to all your WhatsApp contacts.
    • My Contacts Except… – Select specific contacts to exclude.
    • Only Share With – Pick particular contacts who can view replies.

So if you set status replies to be visible to ‘My Contacts’, then all your contacts who can normally see your status updates will also be able to view any replies you send to other people’s statuses.

Who can reply to your WhatsApp status?

By default, all your WhatsApp contacts are able to view your status updates and reply to them.

You can customize who can see your status and reply through these steps:

  1. Open WhatsApp Settings.
  2. Tap Account > Privacy > Status.
  3. Choose from:
    • My Contacts – All contacts can view status and reply.
    • My Contacts Except… – Pick contacts to exclude.
    • Only Share With… – Select specific people who can see status and reply.

So if you set your status privacy to ‘My Contacts Except’ and exclude John, then John will not be able to view your status updates or reply to them.

Seeing deleted status replies

When you delete a status reply you sent, it will also be deleted from the recipient’s chat window.

However, because of how WhatsApp backups work, the contact may still be able to see the deleted reply if they restore chat history from a previous backup where the reply existed.

So while you deleted the reply message, your contact can potentially see it again if they restore an old enough backup. There is no way to permanently delete a status reply you sent.

Replying anonymously to statuses

There is no way to send an anonymous reply to a WhatsApp status. Your contact will always see that the reply came from you, as your name and profile picture will be visible.

This is because WhatsApp’s end-to-end encryption associates statuses and replies to specific users. An anonymous reply would break the association and encryption.

If you want to contact someone anonymously regarding their status update, you will have to message them outside of WhatsApp instead.

Status replies vs reactions

WhatsApp now allows reacting to status updates with emojis, in addition to sending text replies.

The privacy behavior of reactions is the same as replies – by default only you and the status poster can view the reaction, but this can be changed in settings.

Reactions have the advantage that they convey quick feedback without cluttering up chat windows with text. You can simply ‘heart’ or ‘laugh’ at a status to interact with it.

However, text replies allow you to have threaded conversations around a status, which isn’t possible with reactions alone.

Managing status reply notifications

When someone replies to your status, you will get notified within your WhatsApp chats.

To manage notifications for status replies specifically:

  1. Open WhatsApp and go to Settings.
  2. Tap Notifications > Status.
  3. Toggle notifications on or off for ‘When someone replies to your status’.

You can also mute notifications from specific chats, which will apply to any status replies from those contacts as well.

On iPhone, you can disable notifications for status replies by going to Settings > Notifications > WhatsApp > Status Reply.

Replying to status on WhatsApp Web/Desktop

WhatsApp Web and Desktop apps allow you to view and reply to statuses from your computer browser or desktop.

The privacy behavior remains the same – status replies will still only be visible to you and the recipient.

Replying from WhatsApp Web/Desktop can be more convenient for longer responses using a keyboard. The process works seamlessly across mobile and desktop.

Status replies vs comments

WhatsApp status replies are often confused with Instagram or Facebook-style public comments, but they work very differently.

On Instagram, any comments you post on a photo or video will be visible to all users who can view that content.

But WhatsApp status replies are visible only to you and the recipient, more like a private message than a public comment.

There is no way to publicly comment on WhatsApp statuses – any replies will be end-to-end encrypted conversations between two users.

Limits on status reply length

WhatsApp does not impose any limits on how long your status reply can be. You can send text replies of any length.

However, the recipient’s chat window will only preview the most recent 40 words of the reply message. They will have to tap to expand and view the full reply.

While there’s no restriction as such, moderation is recommended. Very long text replies can become inconvenient to read in chat windows.


  • By default, status replies are visible only to you and the recipient.
  • Privacy settings can be changed to make replies viewable to some or all contacts.
  • Deleted status replies may still be accessible from chat backups.
  • Replies allow threaded conversations around statuses.
  • Notifications can be managed specifically for status replies.
  • Replying works seamlessly across WhatsApp mobile and desktop apps.

In summary, status replies provide private conversations around public status posts on WhatsApp. Understanding how they work allows you to have meaningful interactions while maintaining control over your privacy.