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Why does WhatsApp cut off my video?

WhatsApp is one of the most popular messaging apps, with over 2 billion users worldwide. One of its key features is the ability to make video calls to other users. However, many WhatsApp users have experienced issues with videos getting cut off or stopping unexpectedly during calls. There are several potential reasons why WhatsApp might be cutting off your video.

Insufficient Internet Connection

One of the most common reasons behind WhatsApp video calls getting cut off is poor internet connectivity. WhatsApp video calls require a consistent internet speed of at least 128 kbps for both the caller and receiver for smooth video streaming. If your internet is slow or keeps fluctuating, it can lead to interruptions and freezing of the video.

Factors like weak WiFi signals, congested networks, or using mobile data with poor reception can cause connectivity issues that disrupt WhatsApp video quality. The further you are from the WiFi router, the weaker the signal becomes. Network congestion happens when too many users are accessing the same network. If you’re experiencing frequent video call drops on WhatsApp, first ensure you have a stable internet connection.

Outdated App Version

Another reason for WhatsApp video call issues could be using an outdated version of the app. WhatsApp regularly rolls out new updates to fix bugs and optimize video calling performance. However, if you don’t have auto-update enabled or haven’t updated WhatsApp manually in a while, you could be missing out on the latest fixes.

Older versions of the app may have performance limitations or glitches that get resolved in newer updates. To rule out any version-related issues, check that you’re running the latest version of WhatsApp on your device and update it if needed. The most recent updates typically offer the best WhatsApp call experience.

Low Storage Space

Your phone’s storage capacity can also impact WhatsApp video quality and call connectivity. Video calling uses up a lot of storage space to save temporary video files. If your phone is running low on built-in storage, WhatsApp may struggle to save video data properly, leading to frozen, pixelated, or cut-off videos.

Try freeing up storage space on your phone by deleting unused files, photos, apps to make space for WhatsApp to function smoothly. You can also shift WhatsApp media files like videos, photos to cloud storage or an external SD card. Having at least a few gigabytes of free local storage can prevent mid-call video drops.

Battery Optimization Settings

To extend battery life, many Android devices have battery optimization settings enabled by default for apps running in the background. While helpful for battery life, this can inadvertently affect apps like WhatsApp.

If WhatsApp is battery optimized, the app may be forced to freeze or shut down in the background when you’re on a video call. This results in the video frozen on the caller’s end. Disabling battery optimization for WhatsApp in your phone’s settings can prevent such background disruptions.

Outdated Device Software

Apart from the WhatsApp app version, even an outdated OS version on your device can lead to performance lags. WhatsApp designs its app and video calling capabilities based on the latest iOS and Android software. Using dated device software may not be fully optimized for the app.

Check your device’s software version and upgrade to the latest OS update for a smoother WhatsApp experience. On Android, updates also bring security patches and improvements that help apps like WhatsApp function better. Keeping your device software up-to-date is key.

Poor Camera Conditions

Your phone’s camera conditions can also impact WhatsApp video quality. Factors like low light, obstructed lenses, dirty sensors, or damage can negatively affect the camera feed and cause video distortion or freezing.

If the issue only crops up when using your phone’s front camera, clean the lens, adjust lighting, and remove anything obstructing the camera. Damaged phone cameras may need professional repair for the best WhatsApp video calling experience.

Overheating Issues

Excessive overheating is another common reason behind WhatsApp video cuts and lags. Video calling can rapidly cause a phone’s processor temperature to rise. Without proper heat dissipation, this can force WhatsApp to freeze media streams to prevent overheating damage.

Ensure your phone has adequate ventilation and is not covered. Also take steps like closing other apps, removing protective cases, and not using the phone while charging to allow heat to dissipate better during long WhatsApp video calls. Overheated devices recover once they cool off.

Weak Microphone

WhatsApp relies on your phone’s microphone to transmit audio during calls. A faulty, damaged or obstructed microphone causes audio issues that make it hard to communicate. While not directly linked to video, mic problems degrade overall call experience.

If your caller cannot hear you, your mic may be faulty or blocked. Try using headphones with an integrated mic or get your phone’s microphone repaired for clear WhatsApp audio and video calls. The microphone is a vital component for seamless communication.

Too Many Participants in Group Call

WhatsApp allows up to 8 participants in a group video call. However, the more users are on a group call, the more bandwidth and resources it requires to transmit smooth video to each participant.

In group calls with the maximum 8 users, you’re more likely to face video lag and cuts due to bandwidth constraints. While WhatsApp tries to optimize, such large group calls push platforms to the limit. For fewer video drops, reduce the group size or use audio calls instead.

Unsupported Device

WhatsApp ends support for older operating systems after a few years and stops optimizing the app for those platforms. Using WhatsApp on unsupported, outdated devices like iPhone 4S or Android 2.3.7 can lead to performance issues including video call drops.

Refer WhatsApp’s help site to check if your OS version is still officially supported. Consider upgrading your device for optimal WhatsApp video calling if you’re on an unsupported platform. Keeping your OS up to date is key.

Resource-Intensive Apps Running in Background

If you have many apps and heavy programs running simultaneously in the background, it can choke your device’s CPU and RAM resources. With limited resources available, WhatsApp video calls may freeze or stop altogether when other apps use up too many system resources.

Try closing down all apps before making WhatsApp video calls, especially performance-draining ones like games, video editors and more. Using a phone with good hardware also helps run multiple apps smoothly without affecting WhatsApp.

Temporary Glitch

In some cases, the WhatsApp video call cutting out could be a minor one-time glitch that gets automatically resolved. Factors like a brief internet fluctuation or operating system hiccup can temporarily interrupt video streaming.

If it’s a one-off issue, just disconnecting and reconnecting the call often fixes such temporary glitches. One-time video call drops don’t necessarily indicate deeper problems with your device or internet connection.

Diagnosing the Issue

If your WhatsApp videos frequently get cut off or freeze mid-call, follow some diagnostics steps to identify the exact reason:

Check Internet Connection

The first step is to confirm your internet connection’s stability. Run a speed test – if the speeds are below 128kbps or keep fluctuating, that needs troubleshooting to fix before WhatsApp videos will be smooth. Testing different WiFi networks and mobile data signals will help isolate the issue.

Change Locations

If your WiFi is weak in certain areas, move closer to the router and make WhatsApp video calls to see if that helps. You can also switch between WiFi and mobile data to check if one network works better. Narrow down where and when video drops occur.

Disable Battery Optimization

Go into Android settings and disable battery optimization for WhatsApp. This prevents abrupt in-app freezing due to power saving restrictions. Test if doing this stops videos from cutting out mid-call.

Update WhatsApp & OS

Install the latest versions of WhatsApp and your device OS if they are outdated. Newer updates often fix relevant performance issues. Check if updating either program helps improve video call reliability.

Restart Devices

Power-cycling fixes temporary glitches. Restart both the caller’s and receiver’s phones before a WhatsApp video call. Check if this resolves any random video freezing issues during calls.

Check Storage, RAM & Temperatures

Monitor your phone’s storage, RAM levels, and device temperature during WhatsApp video calls where issues occur. This reveals if overheating, low storage/RAM is causing problems.

Test Front/Rear Cameras

Make WhatsApp video calls using both front and rear cameras separately. See if only one camera is having issues while the other works fine, indicating a camera-specific defect.

Factory Reset Device

If all else fails, consider a factory reset to eliminate any software issues ruining WhatsApp video calls. Backup data first, then reset the device to original settings. Check if doing this fixes WhatsApp.


Once you’ve diagnosed the specific reason behind your WhatsApp video cut-off issues, here are some potential solutions to fix the problems:

Upgrade Internet Connection

For network-related video drops, upgrade your home WiFi router or switch broadband plans to get faster internet speeds consistently above 128kbps. This ensures enough bandwidth for WhatsApp video calls.

Change WiFi Channels

Log into your WiFi router admin panel and change the wireless channel away from congested options like 1, 6 or 11 to a clearer channel like 4 or 10 with less interference. This boosts connectivity.

Limit Users on Network

At times with many household members using one home WiFi network, consider adding bandwidth restrictions to heavy streaming devices to allocate more resources for WhatsApp video calls. This prevents congestion issues.

Device Allocation
Phone 1 50 mbps
Phone 2 50 mbps
Desktop 25 mbps
TV Box 25 mbps

Close Background Apps

Actively close down battery draining, resource-heavy apps before joining WhatsApp video calls to free up RAM and CPU for optimal performance. Stop apps from silently eating resources.

Disable Battery Optimization

Head into Android settings and disable battery optimization for WhatsApp. Alternatively, add WhatsApp to the unmonitored apps list to stop battery saving restrictions from interrupting calls.

Update WhatsApp & OS

Keep WhatsApp and your phone’s operating system updated to the latest versions at all times. Latest updates integrate video calling fixes and performance improvements.

Free Up Storage

Delete unused apps, videos, and files or transfer WhatsApp media to cloud storage to free up local storage space. Having at least a few GBs available can prevent video freezing issues.

Add External Cooling

To prevent overheating, add external phone cooling accessories like clip-on fans, heatsinks or chill mats for better heat dissipation during prolonged WhatsApp video calls.

Get Camera Repaired

If the front or rear camera itself is damaged, physically obstructed or marred by oil stains, get professional phone camera repairs for the best video call experience.

Adjust Lighting Conditions

For video freezing limited to the front selfie camera, adjust your lighting, position & background to ensure your face is evenly lit without shadows or obstructions. This improves video.

Upgrade Device Hardware

Consider upgrading old phones with dated hardware to newer generation devices with higher core counts, RAM capacities, better cameras and enhanced 4G/5G connectivity for smooth WhatsApp video calling.

Preventative Measures

Take the following precautionary measures to prevent WhatsApp video cut-off problems during calls:

– Maintain phones away from heat, enclosed spaces, direct sunlight to prevent overheating

– Enable WhatsApp auto-update on Google Play/App Store for latest fixes

– Routinely clear WhatsApp cache and saved videos to free up storage space

– Use phone camera lens protectors to prevent damage from drops/scratches

– Limit WhatsApp group video calls to 4 or lesser participants

– Turn on airplane mode during calls to avoid network/signal drops

– Charge phone battery above 30% before making long WhatsApp video calls

– Lock apps in recents menu to prevent accidental exits or closures

– Use personal hotspot if one network type has issues for reliable connectivity


WhatsApp cutting off or freezing video mid-call can be annoying. However, identifying the specific cause using diagnostics steps and applying a suitable solution helps resolve the issues for smooth video calling. Maintaining optimal phone conditions also safeguards against problems. With proper troubleshooting, you can continue enjoying seamless WhatsApp video calls.