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Why is my app blocked by play protect?

If you find your Android app blocked or removed by Google Play Protect, it likely means your app violated one of Google’s policies around malware, phishing, or abusive behavior. Here are some quick answers to common questions around Play Protect blocking apps:

What is Google Play Protect?

Google Play Protect is Google’s security system that scans over 100 billion apps per day looking for harmful apps. It checks apps on the Google Play Store as well as apps installed from third party sources on users’ devices. Play Protect looks for:

  • Potentially Harmful Applications (PHAs) – apps that could harm users, damage devices, or access private information without consent
  • Malware – malicious apps designed to infiltrate devices and networks
  • Phishing attempts – apps posing as legitimate apps or services to steal personal information
  • Abusive apps – apps engaging in abusive behaviors like spamming, intellectual property theft, or other policy violations

If Play Protect detects any violations, it will take action to protect users by removing apps from devices and Google Play. App developers may also find their developer accounts terminated if violations are egregious.

Why would Play Protect block my app?

There are a few common reasons Play Protect may flag and block your app:

Malware detection

If your app exhibits malicious behaviors like obtaining device data without consent, Play Protect will detect this and block your app to protect users. Even if this was unintended, Play Protect is very sensitive to protect users.

Phishing attempts

If your app impersonates a legitimate app, service, or entity to trick users into providing personal data, Play Protect will block it for phishing. This includes things like using another company’s icon, brand name, or intellectual property.

Unauthorized data collection

If your app collects sensitive user data without proper disclosure and consent, Play Protect will block it even if your intentions are harmless. You must be transparent in your data practices.

Abusive behaviors

If your app engages in spamming users, violates intellectual property, or otherwise violates Google Play policies, it may be blocked. You must carefully follow all Google Play Developer policies.

Compatibility issues

In rarer cases, your app may be blocked due to technical incompatibilities with Android devices that Play Protect flags as potential risks. This can happen with very complex apps.

How can I check if Play Protect blocked my app?

There are a couple ways you may find out your app was blocked by Play Protect:

  • Users inform you they cannot access your app
  • You see errors or warnings in the Google Play Console
  • Your app is removed from the Google Play Store
  • Your developer account is terminated

If you see any of these issues, it likely means Play Protect took action against your app for a policy violation.

How can I appeal a Play Protect blocking?

If you believe your app was wrongly blocked by Play Protect, you can appeal the decision by:

  1. Reviewing the Google Play policies to ensure your app is fully compliant
  2. Double checking your app for any malicious or abusive behaviors Play Protect may have detected
  3. Submitting an appeal request through the Google Play Console detailing why you believe the block was unwarranted
  4. Providing any evidence that can prove your app does not violate policies and should not be blocked

However, appeals are rarely successful since Play Protect blocks apps with a very low false positive rate. The best approach is ensuring compliance upfront before publishing your app.

How can I avoid Play Protect blocks in the future?

The most foolproof way to avoid blocks is to be vigilant about following all Google Play policies and perform extensive testing before launching your app. Some specific tips include:

  • Carefully review and comply with all Google Play Developer policies
  • Test your app extensively for crashes, bugs, or unintended behaviors
  • Request user permissions carefully and only when required
  • Disclose data collection and use practices transparently
  • Never engage in malicious behaviors like phishing users or stealing data
  • Avoid spamming users or violating intellectual property
  • Use Google Play Protect pre-launch reports to detect issues early

If you are vigilant about complying with policies and testing thoroughly before launch, you can avoid most situations where Play Protect would block your app.

What happens if my developer account is terminated?

If your developer account is terminated due to multiple or serious policy violations, you will lose the ability to publish any apps on Google Play. Some effects of a terminated account include:

  • Loss of all existing apps – they will be removed from Google Play
  • Inability to publish any new apps
  • Loss of all account data and history
  • No option for appeals or regaining account access

Developer account termination is permanent in most cases. You would need to create a completely new developer account to publish apps again, which may not be possible if Google associates your new account with the violations.

The best way to avoid account termination is carefully studying and complying with all Google Play policies. If you do have your account terminated, switching to a different app store like Amazon Appstore may be your only option moving forward.

Top ways apps get blocked by Play Protect

Here is a summary of the most common reasons apps get blocked or removed by Play Protect:

Reason Description
Malware Code designed to infiltrate devices, steal data, take control remotely
Phishing Impersonating legitimate apps/services to trick users
Unauthorized data collection Collecting sensitive data without proper disclosure and consent
Abusive behavior Spamming users, violating intellectual property, etc.
Technical issues Compatibility issues flagged as potential risks

Avoiding these violations and extensive testing is key to preventing blocks. If your app is blocked, carefully review policies, double check your code, and appeal with evidence of compliance.

Key takeaways

  • Play Protect blocks apps that violate Google policies to protect users
  • Common blocks are for malware, phishing, data collection, abusive behavior, or technical issues
  • Check for blocks if your app is removed from Play Store or your account is terminated
  • Appeal with evidence your app complies with policies if you believe the block was unwarranted
  • Prevent issues by carefully following Google Play policies and testing thoroughly

By making compliance and testing high priorities, most app developers can avoid the unfortunate outcome of having their hard work blocked by Play Protect. Pay close attention to data practices, technical behaviors, and Google Play policies to give your app the best chance of success.