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Why is there no missed call notification?

Missed call notifications are a useful feature that many rely on to keep track of incoming calls that were not answered. However, there are a few key reasons why missed call notifications may not always appear or function as expected:

Phone Settings

The most common reason for missing missed call notifications is the phone’s settings. To receive notifications for missed calls, the following settings need to be enabled:

  • Notifications for the phone app/dialer need to be turned on. This allows notifications to show up from the dialer.
  • Missed call notifications need to be enabled specifically. There is usually a setting to toggle notifications for missed calls.
  • Do Not Disturb mode should be disabled, as this will block notifications.
  • The phone ringer/notifications volume needs to be turned up to hear notification sounds.

If any of these settings are disabled, missed call notifications will not show up. Double checking the phone settings is the first step in troubleshooting missing notifications.

Individual Contact Settings

Another possible cause is the settings for individual contacts. Many phones allow customizing notifications for calls and messages from specific contacts. If notifications are disabled for certain contacts, missed call notifications will not appear for them. To check if this is the issue:

  • Open the contact/people app and select the relevant contact.
  • Check the notification settings for that contact.
  • Make sure notifications are enabled and the contact is not set to bypass Do Not Disturb.

If a contact’s notifications are disabled, missed calls from that number will not create a notification. Re-enabling notifications for that contact should resolve it.

Third-Party Apps

Using third party apps to manage calls and messages can also impact missed call notifications. Apps like WhatsApp, Skype, and other communication platforms may take over call management and notifications. In these cases:

  • Check the app’s settings and enable notifications if they are turned off.
  • Make sure the app has proper permissions to send notifications.
  • See if disabling the app restores the standard call notifications.

Removing or reconfiguring third party apps can help restore missed call notifications in some cases.

Do Not Disturb Exceptions

If Do Not Disturb mode is enabled, incoming calls will be silenced – with one exception. Many phones allow configuring emergency contacts or favorite contacts that can bypass Do Not Disturb. If certain contacts are not set up as exceptions, their missed calls will not notify.

To enable notifications for specific contacts:

  • Go to Do Not Disturb settings.
  • Select the option to allow calls/messages from certain contacts.
  • Add the relevant contacts to the exceptions list.

With this enabled, those contacts’ calls will still notify even when Do Not Disturb is on.

Bugs and Glitches

In some cases, the issue may be a simple bug or glitch preventing missed call notifications:

  • After updating iOS or Android OS, notifications may break.
  • Using beta OS versions may introduce notification bugs.
  • Restarting the phone can clear up temporary glitches.
  • Updating apps or phone software may resolve underlying issues.

If standard troubleshooting does not work, an OS or app bug may be the culprit. Updating software is the best way to clear out bugs causing problems.

Network and Connectivity

Network connectivity issues can also prevent missed call notifications:

  • With no reception, calls cannot connect or notify.
  • Switching between WiFi and mobile data can create gaps.
  • Airplane mode disables all notifications.
  • Weak mobile signal prevents reliable notifications.

Ensuring strong WiFi or LTE coverage minimizes connection gaps that block notifications. Switching between different networks can also temporarily disrupt notifications until re-connection occurs.

Notification Overload

Sometimes missed call notifications fail to come through due to high volumes of other notifications. When there are many incoming texts, emails, app alerts, etc., missed calls may get lost in the shuffle. On Android, there is a notification overload limit that will start blocking notifications if too many come in a short period. While iOS does not have a set limit, bottlenecks can still occur.

To alleviate notification overload issues:

  • Disable non-essential app notifications.
  • Turn off notifications during busy periods.
  • Set VIP notifications for priority contacts.
  • Upgrade to a phone with more RAM and processing power.

Reducing the overall notification volumes minimizes the chance of missed call alerts being drowned out.

Older Phone Models

Missed call notifications require a phone new enough to support the feature. On older iPhone models like the iPhone 5 or earlier, there is no dedicated missed call notification.

These legacy models will show:

  • A missed call entry in Phone or Recents
  • A missed call badge on the Phone icon
  • No actual banner notification for the missed call

Upgrading to at least an iPhone 6 will enable the full missed call notification as expected.

Phone on Silent/Vibrate

If the phone ringer is set to silent or vibrate only, missed call notifications behave differently:

  • On silent, no sound plays for the notification.
  • On vibrate, the notification vibrates but makes no sound.

This leads some to think the notification failed to come through at all. But in reality it was just subtle due to the silent/vibrate ringer setting.

Third-party Launchers

On Android, using a third-party launcher can sometimes interfere with notifications if not optimized properly. Nova Launcher, Apex Launcher, and others need to be set up correctly to deliver reliable notifications.

To troubleshoot launcher issues:

  • Enable notification access for the launcher in Settings.
  • Check the launcher’s notification settings.
  • Try switching back to the default phone launcher.

Properly configured launchers will support call notifications, but issues can occur if access rights are not granted.

Notification Timeout

Missed call notifications only remain visible briefly before disappearing. On iOS, they typically last about 20 seconds if no action is taken. On Android, most last 30-60 seconds. It’s possible to miss seeing the notification if distracted when it comes through, making it seem like it failed to appear.

To make notifications more persistent:

  • Extend the notification duration in Settings.
  • Enable notification LED flashing for missed events.
  • Set a distinct missed call notification sound.

Phone Off, Powered Down, or Out of Range

The phone needs to be turned on and have an active connection to receive and display missed call notifications:

  • If the phone is turned off, notifications cannot come through.
  • If the phone battery dies, it loses the ability to receive notifications.
  • Out of reception range means missed notifications will not be delivered.

Keeping the phone sufficiently charged and in range for connectivity ensures notifications can be delivered. Any gap in connectivity prevents receiving notifications.


Missed call notifications often fail to appear due to incorrect notification settings, individual contact settings, third party app conflicts, bugs, connection issues, notification overload, hardware limitations, ringer modes, and phone power or range problems. Checking settings thoroughly, updating software, minimizing other notifications, ensuring phone connectivity, and using a newer supported model are solutions to restore missed call notifications.