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Will a WhatsApp message show as delivered if someone’s phone is off?

Whether a WhatsApp message shows as delivered when the recipient’s phone is off depends on a few factors. WhatsApp uses data connections or Wi-Fi to deliver messages, so if the recipient’s phone is completely powered off, there is no way for WhatsApp to know if the message was successfully delivered. However, if the recipient’s phone is only offline temporarily or connected to Wi-Fi with WhatsApp web open on another device, the message can still show as delivered. Here is a more detailed look at how WhatsApp message delivery works and when a message will show as delivered if the recipient’s phone is off.

How WhatsApp Message Delivery Works

When you send a WhatsApp message, it goes to one of WhatsApp’s servers. This server then pushes the message out to the recipient’s device. Once the message reaches the recipient’s device, their WhatsApp client sends a confirmation back to the server indicating the message was successfully received. This is what makes the delivered check mark show up.

However, if the recipient’s device is completely powered off or has no internet connection at all, the WhatsApp client cannot send this delivery confirmation back to the server. In this case, the message will remain with a single check mark showing it was sent, but not delivered.

As soon as the recipient’s device comes back online, WhatsApp will attempt to redeliver any pending messages. If it’s successful, the delivery confirmation will be sent and the second check mark will show up.

When Will a Message Show as Delivered if the Recipient’s Phone is Off?

Based on how WhatsApp message delivery works, here are the main scenarios when a message can still show as delivered even if the recipient’s phone is powered off:

  • The recipient’s phone is only temporarily disconnected – If the phone is offline for a short time, WhatsApp will reattempt delivery and send the confirmation as soon as it comes back online.
  • The recipient has WhatsApp web open – Messages can be delivered to the WhatsApp web client if enabled, even if the phone is off.
  • The message is successfully delivered over Wi-Fi – If the phone is still connected to Wi-Fi with WhatsApp running before being powered off, the message may be delivered and marked as such.
  • Delayed confirmation – Sometimes there is a lag before the delivery report is sent back. The phone may have been online briefly but shown as delivered later.

In most cases where the recipient’s phone is completely offline and disconnected from Wi-Fi, any messages sent will remain marked as sent but not delivered until the device comes back online. The message itself is stored on WhatsApp’s servers during this time.

Troubleshooting Tips

If you’ve sent a WhatsApp message and it’s not showing as delivered, here are some troubleshooting tips:

  • Check the recipient’s WhatsApp last seen status – If it shows a recent time, their phone is likely online.
  • Try sending another message – Your first message may have gotten stuck.
  • Check your internet connection – Make sure you have a stable connection.
  • Restart your phone – Reboot your device to troubleshoot any issues.
  • Ask the recipient if they’ve received your message – They may have read it on another device.
  • Wait a few hours and check again – Delivered receipts can sometimes be delayed.

If there is still no delivered check mark after trying these steps, the most likely explanation is that the recipient’s phone has no connectivity at the moment. The message will remain pending until their device comes back online.

Factors That Can Delay WhatsApp Delivery Reports

While WhatsApp messages typically deliver instantly when there is a stable internet connection, there are a few factors that can sometimes delay the delivered and read receipts:

  • Poor internet connection – Spotty Wi-Fi or mobile data can delay message transmission and delivery confirmations.
  • Recipient has read receipts disabled – If they’ve turned off read receipts, you won’t see the second check mark even after delivery.
  • Recipient is not active on WhatsApp – Messages may show as delivered but not read until they open the app.
  • Technical issues – Temporary server outages or glitches can also affect message delivery speeds.

So if you’ve sent a message but aren’t seeing the check marks change right away, don’t panic. Allow some time for confirmations to come through.

Does the Sender Know if I’ve Read Their Message if My Phone is Off?

No, it is not possible for the sender to see if you’ve read their message if your phone is powered off. The read receipt or second blue check mark only shows up when you physically open the WhatsApp chat on your phone. If your phone is disconnected from the internet, there is no way for this read confirmation to be sent back to the sender.

However, keep in mind that if you have WhatsApp web connected on another device, messages may show as read there even if your phone is off. But the sender will not see any read receipt from your offline phone.

Can I Hide My Online or Read Status if My Phone is Off?

Since your online and read statuses rely on an active internet connection, they are automatically hidden when your phone is switched off. Here are some points on how your statuses work when your phone is offline:

  • Your last seen will freeze to the last time you were actively online on WhatsApp before your phone died.
  • You will not show as online again until you reconnect to the internet.
  • Any messages you have not read yet will still show as delivered, but not read.
  • Your profile photo and “online” text will not be visible to contacts.

So even without actively hiding your status, powering off your phone accomplishes the same thing. Your online presence and read receipts are automatically hidden while disconnected from WhatsApp’s servers.

Should I Keep My Phone Off to Avoid WhatsApp Status Updates?

While powering off your phone can hide your online and read statuses, it may not be the most convenient solution if you want to avoid signaling your WhatsApp activity to contacts. Here are some other options to consider:

  • Enable Airplane Mode when you want to hide your status, while still allowing you to use your phone for other tasks.
  • Use WhatsApp’s built-in status privacy settings to control who can see your last seen and online status.
  • Disable read receipts for specific chats or contacts.
  • Enable the “Ignore Archived Chats” setting so opening archived messages doesn’t show as online activity.

With these settings, you can maintain your privacy on WhatsApp without powering off your phone completely. But turning off your device remains the most foolproof option if you want to go “invisible” on WhatsApp.


To recap, whether a WhatsApp message shows as delivered with the recipient’s phone off depends on if their device was temporarily connected and able to send a delivery confirmation before going offline. If their phone has no connectivity at all, the message will remain pending until it comes back online.

Troubleshooting tips for undelivered messages include checking the recipient’s online status, your own connection, restarting your device, and allowing time for delays. Read receipts specifically cannot be sent while the recipient’s phone is powered off.

While turning off your phone can hide your WhatsApp activity and statuses, you can achieve the same effect using privacy settings and airplane mode. But disabling connectivity ensures contacts cannot see your online presence and message read statuses on WhatsApp.

Phone Status Message Delivery Read Receipts Online Status
Fully offline Not delivered Not sent Hidden
Temporarily disconnected Delivered when reconnects Sent when message read Shown when reconnects
Connected over WiFi Delivered over WiFi Sent when read on device Visible if WhatsApp open
Airplane mode enabled Delivered when airplane mode disabled Sent when message read Hidden while in airplane mode