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Will someone know if I screenshot WhatsApp status?

Taking a screenshot of someone’s WhatsApp status is a common thing that many people do. You may want to save something interesting that a friend posted or just found something funny that you want to share. But does the person whose status you screenshot get notified about it? Let’s take a look at the details.

Can someone see if you screenshot their WhatsApp status?

The short answer is no, someone cannot see if you screenshot their WhatsApp status. WhatsApp’s privacy policy does not allow status screenshots to be visible to the original poster. So if you take a screenshot of a friend’s status, they will not get a notification about it or be able to see it in any way.

Screenshotting a WhatsApp status is similar to screenshotting any other content on your phone. The act of taking the screenshot is only known to you unless you share it with someone else. So you can rest assured that you can safely take a screenshot of a status without the other person finding out.

Why can’t people see if you screenshot their WhatsApp status?

There are a few reasons why WhatsApp does not allow status screenshot notifications:

  • Privacy – WhatsApp prioritizes user privacy and control over their own content. Letting others know when a screenshot was taken would infringe on the screenshot taker’s privacy.
  • Screenshots are universal – Taking screenshots is a basic function on all smartphones, not just a WhatsApp-specific feature. So there is no justification to treat status screenshots differently from other screenshots.
  • No technical restrictions – There are no technical barriers preventing WhatsApp from enabling screenshot notifications if they wished. The lack of this feature is an intentional product decision by WhatsApp.
  • Toxicity concerns – Notifying about screenshots could enable bullying or harassment around status taking. Avoiding notifications prevents these unwanted social dynamics.

Overall, WhatsApp seems to have deliberately chosen to not notify users of status screenshots. This aligns with their emphasis on privacy and user control.

Can you see who viewed your WhatsApp status?

Similar to screenshot notifications, WhatsApp also does not allow you to see who has viewed your status. The list of status viewers is not visible to the status poster. So if you post a status, you have no way to tell which of your contacts saw it or not.

Earlier versions of WhatsApp had a feature where you could see the names of contacts who viewed your status. But this was removed years ago and never reinstated. WhatsApp likely removed it for privacy reasons and to keep their product simple to understand.

Does screenshotting a WhatsApp status notify the sender in any way?

Apart from the lack of visibility and notifications, taking a screenshot of a WhatsApp status does not trigger any other kind of alert to the original status poster. Here are some ways in which screenshotting goes completely undetected:

  • No notification badge or icon is displayed to the status uploader.
  • Their WhatsApp interface does not display anything related to your screenshot.
  • They do not get any other visual, audio, or haptic feedback about your screenshot.
  • No screenshot information is conveyed through a third party or external software.
  • Their WhatsApp account is not affected or altered in any way by your screenshot.

In essence, from the original status poster’s perspective, it is as if no screenshot was taken at all. They are unable to distinguish someone taking a screenshot from someone simply viewing their status normally. There are no observable indications at all about your screenshot.

Comparison with other platforms

It can be insightful to compare WhatsApp’s approach with how other major social media platforms handle status screenshots and views.

Platform Notifies screenshot of status/posts? Shows who viewed status/posts?
WhatsApp No No
Instagram Yes Yes
Snapchat Yes Yes
Facebook No No
Twitter No No

As we can see, WhatsApp and Facebook align closely in not revealing views or screenshots to users. On the other hand, Instagram and Snapchat actively notify when someone takes a screenshot or views a status. Twitter sits in the middle by showing status views but not screenshots.

WhatsApp’s approach generally favors privacy and puts users in control of their content and data. The downside, however, is that it provides less social transparency than apps like Instagram or Snapchat. There are merits to both models in different contexts.

Third party apps that notify about WhatsApp status screenshots

Although WhatsApp itself does not reveal status screenshots, some third-party apps claim they can detect when someone takes a screenshot of your status.

These apps work by getting access to your WhatsApp data and using technical workarounds to identify when a specific screenshot event occurs. Some examples of such apps include Social Snap, Status Saver, and Flychat.

However, it is important to be cautious with such apps for a few reasons:

  • They often require compromising your privacy by sharing your WhatsApp data with an unknown third party.
  • It is not verified if their screenshot detection techniques actually work reliably.
  • These apps violate WhatsApp’s terms of service and can risk your account being banned.
  • They can contain bugs, malware, or security issues that put your device and data at risk.

For these reasons, most security experts advise avoiding third party apps that claim to notify you about WhatsApp status screenshots. The risks generally outweigh the benefits provided by these apps.

Ethical issues around status screenshots

While WhatsApp itself does not reveal status screenshots, it is still important to consider the ethics around taking screenshots in different contexts.

Some cases where taking a screenshot of someone’s status can be considered inappropriate or unethical:

  • If they shared something very personal or confidential.
  • To ridicule or make fun of what they shared.
  • To spread or redistribute private content about them.
  • To stalk, harass, or keep tabs on them.

General best practices that respect privacy and consent around status screenshots include:

  • Only screenshot benign, public statuses from close contacts.
  • If unsure, ask the person before taking a screenshot.
  • Do not share the screenshot without permission.
  • Delete screenshots that contain sensitive or private content.
  • Use restraint and judgment depending on your relationship with the status poster.

WhatsApp’s design implicitly trusts users to take screenshots ethically. But it remains a responsible choice for individuals as well.


To conclude, WhatsApp is designed so that status screenshot notifications are hidden by default to maintain privacy and control. The original status uploader will not be able to know in any way if you take a screenshot of their status. Third party apps that claim otherwise often have security risks or violate WhatsApp’s terms.

However, just because screenshots are private does not mean social norms and ethics around consent and privacy should be disregarded. Users are advised to screenshot responsibly keeping in mind context and relationships.